What it is: The
Lord’s Supper is:-
A symbolic meal established and commanded
by Christ to remember His sacrifice,
acknowledging in the benefits of His death.
is a thanksgiving to God and a fellowship with Christ and believers,
an expression of our commitment to God and our relationship together as believers in Christ’s body. A unity in demonstration. Some call it
the Eucharist which is a Greek word
for thanksgiving. Acts 2:42 says, “They joined with the other believers and
d e voted themselves to the Apostles’ teachings and fellowship, sharing in the
Lord’s Supper and in prayer.”
The Lord’s Supper is an Ordinance (an authoritative decree), a required ceremony with a set pattern, a sacrament. An Ordinance involves certain Christian rights or forms of ceremonies, among these are; Water baptism, Holy
Communion, Child Dedication, and
Matrimony. These are rituals or acts of faith and obedience
to God (Mathew 28:19). They are symbolic
rites setting forth the central truths of the Christian Faith, a visible enactment of the Gospel message.
The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic meal established and commanded by Christ to remember
His death (and by extension, His resurrection).
It is a thanksgiving to Christ and God
for what He has done. It is a time
of joy and fellowship (1 Corinthians10:16) with each other.
It replaces the Passover feast, which symbolized the deliverance of God’s
people from the slavery of sin and death through Christ’s death.
It symbolizes Christ’s death for forgiveness
and remission of our sins (Mathew 26:28).
It is a seal of new covenant in Christ’s blood, an assurance of eternal
life now.
is a promise of the second coming of Christ.
A pledge of eventual Messianic triumph.
Lord’s Supper is a cross over,
meaning deliverance. Your present
difficult situation is not permanent. It has just come to pass. God is about to
bring you deliverance, and raise you to a new level well above it. When Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Pharaoh
and the mighty Egyptian army ceased to be
an issue. God wants to take you through your Red Sea,
this is your moment of Crossing over. In Acts 2:42 it is referred to also as
the breaking of bread while in 1
Corinthians 10:20 it is the Lord’s Table,
still others call it a Love Feast. Genesis 14 mirrors it when Melchizedek, brought Abraham into a covenant relationship with God, a
binding relationship between the two, that changed Abraham’s life. In Africa, we understand a covenant relationship better
especially in the setting of a marriage
covenant. Our parents through covenant have endured many challenges and
paid a high price to give us, their children the great privilege of a home to
spring into life from. When you are in a
covenant relationship, with God your life takes on an upward trend, or else you
remain stuck until you meet one who will speak God’s word of blessing upon
you and propel you to your breakthrough in a covenant relationship.
of the Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper has two Cardinal elements namely:-
Body – He died for our sins and His body
was broken. The body which He has now is yours and mine, multiplicity of
the original. This is the power of Jesus’ death. We are each a part and parcel of the body of Christ. The church is the
body of Christ. Hitler tried to thwart Christianity by killing millions of Jews
but as we know today there are even more Christians about 3 billion while
Hitler is dead and forgotten. God’s Kingdom currently is being manifested through
the Church. By divine design the church is the most powerful force in the world
today – you need to stay in it to be
safe and blessed.
Blood – This symbolizes salvation,
thanksgiving, (1 Corinthians 10:16, Hebrews 9:26). Our salvation is expensive because Christ
shed His blood. Christ established our salvation and His blood sealed it. Because
of the shed blood, we have forgiveness,
plus cleansing from sin and its consequences.
We celebrate:-
To remember and keep fresh in our minds Christ’s death so that we remain thankful. It brought us back into relationship with God (Galatians 2:20). Never ever forget that Jesus died fro
you. As we celebrate, we are saying Christ died for us. As we partake of His body and His blood, we get
reminded and participate His second
return. Live your life like Jesus is coming today.
We confess Christ as Saviour and Lord
through proclaiming His death (and
by extension His resurrection). 1 Corinthians 11:26 “for every time you eat
this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord’s return until He
We participate in the body and blood, and
so get nourished (Ephesians 3:17). Because
Jesus has a life giving spirit. When
we partake of Him, we in turn receive
22:20, we come into a covenant relationship
with Jesus and each other as members of Christ’s spiritual body.
To get manifold blessings from
God, for example, healing through
faith in Christ Isaiah 53:4
are observing
a rite which was commanded by Christ
(Mathew 28:20)
do this by first discerning the body of Christ. Discerning in Greek comes
fro two words;
– to separate,
or discriminate and
– to Judge,
This essentially means knowledge and
understanding gained through separating, investigating and interpreting.
We need to get the true picture of what the
Body of Christ is. As a child of God, and a member of the body of Christ,
you should be able to relate carefully and
responsibly with the brethren in the body of Christ with due care and caution. We cannot
afford to ignore or assume each
other, but rather through knowledge, understanding, valuing, and appropriate
relationship with each other get good results, possess and bring God’s Kingdom down. Value the body of Christ. Jesus
highly values His body therefore take care how you treat and relate within
the body of Christ. The body of Christ is also a Universal (past, present and future)
Church, but it is through Local Church that the Kingdom of God
is manifested. We need to be part of
it. The Church is high and above the systems of the world. Let us partake
the Communion worthily and genuine fellowship with other fellow
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