Monday, 6 January 2014






Servant hood is an occupation, a physical or mental exertion or effort with a specific purpose, as in the case of a domestic servant who is paid to work for another in another’s’ house, often receiving food and lodging in addition to wages. That is to say that his basic needs are by and large the responsibility of his master.
A servant is a person under the authority of another who is duty-bound to meet the needs or fulfill the purposes of his master on a continuous basis and in a devoted manner. He or she should be exclusively and greatly loyal, deeply committed, faithful, fond of and devotedly related to the master and his masters mission, work or assignment. Consequently, “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other”. (Luke 16:13)
A servant derives his vision, mission, and values from his or her master. True servant hood to someone or to an entity is by choice and not cohersion as in the case of a slave.
Servant hood is a very sensitive and involving call and so it is prudent that every servant soberly evaluates their performance lest they miss out on the benefits of the blessings of servant hood. Because every servant serves for wages, vigilance must be maintained because Satan works overdrive to steal these wages, kill the spirit of service of God’s servants, and ultimately destroy their morale for service to the end of which many servants work but in the end their reward is stolen.

While “the thief, Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy;” God wants you to enjoy the fruit of your labour. “ I (the Lord Jesus Christ) have come that they may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10)

Servant hood is the greatest position one can hold in the kingdom of God. “…whoever wants to become great (mega, large, important, strong) must be your servant and whoever wants to be first (chiefest, foremost, important) shall be the slave of all. (Mark 10: 43 – 44).
Servant hood is one tough responsibility in which we can only succeed in if we operate with a transformed mindset (Romans 12:2) but which has very great rewards if done well.
The word servant in greek is ‘Doulos’ meaning ‘in bondage’ and the Lord Jesus Christ is our perfect example: “just as the son of man did not come to be served , but to serve and give His life as a ransom (redemption) for many” (Mathew 20;28). Other Greek words for a servant are: ‘Diketes’ (house servant), Huperetes (minister), Therapon’ (attendant) and ‘Ebed’ (’bond man, labourer).

The spirit of servant hood has the attributes of loyalty, commitment, faithfulness, devotion, dedication (exclusiveness), duty (responsibility), vision, mission, and values. The act of servant hood is about the master and his assignment. Servant hood goes beyond mere speech or promise and features more prominently in the realm of activity (Mathew 21: 28-31).


1.     It Is God’s Ordained Way of Promotion (Phil. 2: 5- 9).
It is God’s desire to reward and improve the lot of all men and He has chosen to do that through service as seen in the life of Joshua, an aide (attendant, minister, servant) of Moses. Joshua waited on Moses with a focused zeal, a steadfast, and dedicated devotion, no wonder, God chose him to be Moses’ successor. “So the Lord said to Moses, take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit  and lay your hand on him, have him stand before Eleazer the priest and the entire assembly and commission him in their presencegive him some of your authority so that the whole Israel community will obey him”. (Numbers 27:18-20). Joshua here got empowered, anointed and duly authorized for his new divine assignment graduating from being Moses’ servant to the position of the servant of God. Our promotion in God’s kingdom comes through our faithful and loyal service to men and women of God who He (God) has put over us. Godly leadership is not hijacked, it is given through good, nurtured and watered master-servant relationship. 

2.     God Executes and Fulfils His Purposes Through Servants.
Man is God’s legitimate representative on earth (Gen.1:26-28). He therefore is the chief agent behind the execution of God’s will on earth as God’s servant.  This however demands keenness to God’s will (what He says) and a faithful execution of the same. “Moses examined all the work and behold they had done it; just as the Lord had commanded… so Moses blessed them” (Exodus 39:43).  This clean and unadulterated execution of God’s will brings down God’s glory and presence to us. “Moses is faithful in all my house… with him I speak face to face” (Numbers 12:7,8).

3.     Perfection can only be realized through the Spirit of Servant Hood.
God is the God of perfection or excellence. “And God saw all that He had made and behold it was very good (Genesis 1:31a). He therefore demands that His work is done with due dedication and diligence and only someone walking in the spirit of servant hood can measure up to that. “Cursed be the one who does the Lord’s work negligently” (Jeremiah 48: 10a)

4.    God will demand  an Account of all Things.
“…Each of us will give an account of himself to God” (Rom 14: 10 – 12) “The length of our days is seventy or eighty, if we have the strength...they quickly pass away and we fly away” (Psalms 90:10). Life on earth is brief so let each of us be wise and spend it well in God’s eye “ redeeming the time because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). The best way to live your life accountably is through service to God and men.

5.     To Secure Our Future
Only God knows the future and what is best for us.When we serve the interests of God, we become His servants directly or indirectly through the men we serve, and that secures our future. “If any one serves me, let him follow me; and where I am there shall my servant also be; if any one serves me, the father will honour Him (John 12:26)

6.     Servant Hood adds Value To Your Life making you stand out.  
All through life man is constantly bombarded with quick carnal ways and means to get to greatness, and it is unfortunate that many have fallen prey to these satanic seductions (of shortcuts) to prominence to their detriment. The divine law to greatness is simple:- “Humble yourself , therefore under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you at the proper time” (1 Pet 5:6) . It is God’s pleasure to elevate us but it is important that we wait for Him to do it Himself. “If anyone serves me my Father in heaven will honour him”( John 12:26a)


Because service to God is a very sensitive call, (Numbers 3:4,20: 7-12) it can have very devastating effect on us if it is not done according to God's will. “The King’s favour (delight, joy ) is to a servant who acts wisely , but his anger (wrath, violent rage ) is towards him who acts shamefully” (disgracefully)-Prov. 14:35. Royal etiquette (set of rules for proper behaviour ) must be observed in divine service. When we serve well, we become God’s agents in effecting our elevation to the position of God’s servants (see Numbers 27:18 – 20). Simply put, if you cannot humble yourself and serve men, you cannot be God’s servant. Service is an art that is to say it has to be learnt, and we learn it best as we serve imperfect men, faithfully without insubordination, rebellion or disobedience.

Requirements for Divine Service

1.     We must be in His Will.
“the son can do nothing by Himself, He can do only what He sees His Father doing” (John 5:19) A true servant is stuck if his Lord is not there to lead  the  way. “If anyone serves me, let him follow me.” (John 12:26a). We know Gods will as we keenly and faithfully follow Christ in faith, trust and obedience coupled with perseverence. This has the culminating effect of catapulting us to position one in our faith. “Tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you”(Mathew 21:31-32). “Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world , but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is:- His good, pleasing and perfect will”(Romans 12:2). 

2.     Have the Attitude of Christ
“Your attitude (opinion, mindset) should be the same as that of Christ (of self sacrifice, humility and love for others) who being in very nature God…made Himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness…humbled Himself and became obedient to death… even death on the cross. Therefore also God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name” (Phil 2:5 – 9). Because of Christ’s attitude, He went to the lowest position a man could go to by dying on the cross; the worst of all condemnations at that time. To serve God, we must undergo a mind transformation (Romans 12:2,3, Eph 4:23). Walking in the spirit of servant hood is the best investment which one can make with ones life. We do well to pray with Moses:- “Teach  me your ways so that I may know you and continue to have favour with you” (Exodus 33:13) Never assume divine favour like Samson,.

3.     Know and take your right Geographical Position and Relationships (or Divine connections)
“The Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (Gen 2:15). The three important questions to ask in life in as far as Christian service is concerned are, where is your Eden, What is expected of you there, and what are you doing about it now? God is also the God of geography, that is why He tells the Israelites, “seek the Lord at the place which the Lord your God shall choose… there bring all your sacrifice …” (Deut 12:5 – 8). By God’s grace establish, develop, and maintain a good sound, on going relationship with whoever God has connected you to, or strategically placed or positioned around you they could be your destiny carriers or cardinal facilitators of your breakthrough in life or ministry.

4.     Be devoted to the Body of Christ.
Divine service must continually take a divine direction for it to be acceptable before God. “By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain, by faith, he was commended as a righteous man when God spoke well of his offering”. (Heb 11:4). For the church to have the impact and effect that God desires, we must go the first church way:- “They devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching and to the fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42) “Be devoted (loving) to one another with brotherly love. Honour one another above yourselves.” (Rom 12:10). Devotion here means ‘loving ,companionship and faithful adherence to’, the body of Christ; the church.

5.     Divine Service demands Humility.
Like the name suggests servant hood is about humility or the attitude of taking the lower seat (Luke 20:46-47). Jesus said, “a disciple is not above his master” (teacher). Servant hood is a learning process that only takes place as we humble ourselves and serve God and men.
The perfection of servant hood is attained when a servant gets promoted to serve in the position of his master. Moses, Joshua, Joseph and Elisha are some of the great examples we find in scripture. They virtually replaced there masters.


Eleazar of Damascus (to Abraham)
Committed, faithful, obedient, humble, and spiritual
Chief servant of Abraham.
Trust, honour, faith, (called Abraham “My Lord”)
Mother of Israel
Aaron and Hur (Exo 17:12 to Moses)
Loyal, humble, patient, and steadfast support.
Leaders in Israel
Joshua (to Moses)
Faithfulness, dedication, patience and obedience
Moses’ Successor
Samuel (to Eli)
Patient, trust, faithfulness and loyal.
Eli’s Successor
David (to Saul)
Obedient, trusting, protector (Armour bearer), recognized and honoured the anointing.  
Israel’s greatest King.
Ruth (to Naomi)
Commitment, faithfulness, faith, trust, visionary and hopeful
Mother of Jesse (Entry into royal lineage)
Elisha (to Elijah)
Faithful, Tenacious (stuck with Elijah), positive, expectant, unshakable (2 Kings 2:2)
Double portion of the spirit.
Gehazi (to Elisha)
Doubt, mistrust (Jittery), unfaithful, proud, panicking and confused
Died of leprosy

It is important that we finish well and Christ has promised to make that possible so that we can “enter the joy of our master” (Mat 25:21 b). In conclusion, THE WAY TO GREATNESS, BLESSING, ACHIEVEMENT, EFFECTIVENESS, SUCCESS, IMPACT, PROMINENCE AND POWER WITH GOD AND MEN IS THE WAY OF SERVANT HOOD.
Message preached by Rev. Peter Odhiambo at Deliverance Church – Nkoroi

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