Monday, 6 January 2014


1.      Great people are great sowers – they know what, when, where and how To plant, cultivate and reap
2.     Great people recognize and effectively use the ‘rod’ ( the tool at their disposal)
3.     Great people cherish, seek out and apply great ideas; they are people of great minds and ideas.
4.    Great people recognize and exploit opportunities optimally before others do.
5.     Great people are not procrastinators.
6.     Great people know and understand that time and chance are critical to destiny.
7.     Great people are properly and firmly networked with other great people.
8.     Great people are committed to mentoring others to greatness, they ooze greatness.
9.     Great people speak great things and follow it with correspondingly great acts.
10.   Great people major on the important things of life.
11.    Great people aim at excellence and quality apart from quantity.
12.   Great people know what, when, how and who to delegate to – they trust other great people.
13.   Great people are vision driven and are not at home with the status quo.
14.   Great people know when to set up camp and when to break it up and move on.
15.   Great people know how to turn ‘failures’ into success – to them points of failure are stepping stones to significance.
16.   Great people are good and faithful disciples or followers.
17.    Great people know when to handover the baton and move over to the side lines and cheer their predecessors.
18.   Great people speak well of others and major on their strengths.
19.   Great people birth many more greater people.
20.  Great people leaves a legacy of greatness and lasting positive impact and influence, in other words.
Great people never die.

Do yourself and us a great favour like a tiny seed that grows into a great tree – become the great person that you are.
….I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you (Genesis 12:2). And the man (Isaac) became great and went forward and grew until he became very great (Genesis 26:13)


  1. I like your messages so much. please can you send more of these messages to me. Thanks.

  2. I like your messages so much. please can you send more of these messages to me. Thanks.
