Monday, 6 January 2014


TEXT: Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no revelation the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.”
An idea is a mental picture, a belief or an opinion. It can also be described as a plan formed by thinking. An idea therefore is about the application of the mental domain within the sphere of thought in order to arrive at a specific objective that is perceived as desirable workable and favourable. We need to develop, direct and order our mental capabilities, by focusing our faith in God and His promises in order to set the stage for the conceptualization of the right ideas. The heart and the mind as gateways in a human being naturally form the major or basic avenues for conceptualization, processing and execution of ideas which in turn play a critical role in life. They therefore should be guarded diligently given the critical place they play in the conveyance of ideas in life. “Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23)
A good idea can be described as organized information which is privy conception wise to an individual which if developed and executed or applied properly produces good and great beneficial results.
When it comes to the divine, an idea is a divine concept which like a seed is planted in the heart of a man for execution and God’s Glory for man’s benefit. An idea hereby is revelation received through the power of a divine illumination in a specific area of life. It is graphic in nature, a vision or a picture seed which is deposited into the heart of a specific individual or individuals by the Holy Spirit purposely; for “where there is no revelation (vision, word of God, a  divine concept or idea)  the people cast off restraint (perish, go round in circles or  go nowhere) (Proverbs 29:18).
To be without an idea for a specific season, time or movement is therefore pentious. A people with great ideas are a people with great potential, wealth wise a plus they area purpose laden people. That apart, with great ideas comes the critical dimension of purpose and fulfillment, therefore. To be without an idea therefore, (be it mentally or spiritually) is to be truly bankrupt to the very sense of the word, for a divine idea is a means to a divine inheritance.
Everything we see, feel, experience or interact with in life was birthed or created in the invaluable cradle of an idea or ideas.  Ideas executed or the basis, foundation and the source  of all things; visible and invisible.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth….. Then God said, “Let us make man in our image…and let them rule over…all…” (Genesis 1:1,26). Even the entire creation originated from the wellspring of divine concept or ideas, which wellspring is the mother of all good and great things we see or experience. Like in the case of the vision quoted above nothing progresses or moves forward without the power of an idea. An idea is a prime mover to an extend that an idea squarely executed is destiny. A good idea is priceless, it is so invaluable to an extend that we cannot quote its value in monetary terms. Good ideas pursued and implemented also make us current and relevant. Everyone of us therefore should look forward to receiving good ideas from God and executing them in God’s time. Ideas rule the world; take for example men like Kirl Max who introduced us to the concept of communism and Socialism, an ideology which continues to markedly rule this world long after the same men are dead and buried. It is a man’s thought and concepts or ideas plus the appropriation of those ideas that defines the man.
An elaborate study of this subject of choice of ideas reveals the following:-
1.    Ideas have timelines.
There are specific seasons of times when specific ideas are supposed to be executed for our benefit, for example; while the idea of grinding hard stones to use as cutting or piercing tools was viable in the stone age period, if no longer is because technology has greatly advanced to appoint where we can nowadays use laser rays to cut even hard substances like metal. The man who is recorded to have first conceived the idea of using seat belts in cars for safety lost out to another  who got the concept and acted promptly, as the other one dillydallied on the then great idea. “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. He (God) has made everything beautiful (pleasant, goodly, fair) in (for) its (own) time”. (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Always execute or apply  on good ideas in its time, it is very important that you do so for your sake and for the sake of others around you, not to forget the benefits of a divine idea. A divine idea duly executed will bring Glory to God’s Kingdom. “For the vision awaits an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie though it tarry wait for it because it shall surely come if will not tarry” (Hebrews 2:3). The need for accountability therefore comes into play here in a every marked way over  what we do with an idea that God has revealed to us through the Holy Spirit.
2. Idea Comes From Specific Sources
It is important that we all know and understand that ideas gotten from whatever source do not just fall from nowhere. Every idea has a source, purpose and agenda behind it, be it good or evil. It is this source and purpose which should determine what we do with an idea which has come to us. We shall now proceed on to look at each of these sources one at a time.
i.      A Human Being
Based on an individual’s experience, exposure, situation (geographical or Spiritual) and world view any human being is poised to conceive an idea. Naturally, we are all full of different types of ideas and often we would want to offer them to  all and sundry ever if we have not been requested to do so. In John 18:34 when Pilate asked the Lord Jesus if He is the King of the Jews, Christ responded by asking Him, “Is that your own idea”…or did others talk to you about me?” This scripture therefore indicates that an idea can originate from a human being. 
ii.    Satan (The Devil)
I order to carry out or perpetuate his  evil agenda of stealing, killing, and destroying (John 10:10) Satan often uses human, creatures, events or even circumstances to inject his evil ideas into any man and women who present him with a door  way  due to their physical, social, economic or spiritual disposition. “Then Satan entered Judas called Iscariot one of the twelve and Judas went to the chief Priests, and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus” (Like 22:3-4). Some of these door ways are opened through anger, doubling in occult, listening to Satanic music, Immorality, watching dirty programs or generally by deliberately walking (or living) in sin.
iii.   God
All the great and good ideas, as seen eelier originate with God. As children of God we literally wallow in the sea of great divine ideas for “… the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of God has been given to … (us believers), but to others (the Lord Jesus) speak (s) in parables, so that seeing, they may not see; that hearing they may not understand” (Luke 8:10). We are at a great advantage idea wise due to our Spiritual disposition. We are Spiritually quickened or made a live spiritually so that we can communicate with God directly and receive fresh ideas from Him even on a daily  basis if we will grow up and switch on and keep on our  spiritual line of meditation on God’s word and prayer. “There is much I want to tell you  but you cannot bear it now” (John 16:12, see also John  4:24). Only God is original in matters of concepts and actions. The other vast numbers of us are matter of fact copiers of what we have seen Him do or heard Him say for what ever reason or drives  behind our acts.  This copying we do well to do as His children if our motive is right. “I tell you the truth, the son can do nothing by Himself…whatever the Father does the son also does” (John 5:19).  The book of Isaiah 42:9 say, “Se the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you” . When we are in the Spirit and in God’s presence we will always get a continues flow of ideas or revelation from God.
Every idea which is out of the will of God carries with it an evil agenda, be it from man, Satan the world or the flesh. Such an idea is ultimately a recipe  for disaster and disappointment. Just like a good idea will elevates your further ‘North’, be duly warned that a bad idea can ditch you into the   very deepest of ‘South’. A bad idea will never do you good no matter how promising it may it appear. Kora, Dathan and Abinadab and 250 others perished when they tried to wrest the Priesthood and leadership from Aaron and Moses God’s servants and appointees (Numbers 16:28-33). Mordecai’s idea of exterminating the Jews seriously backfired on him and his sons ultimately leading to their early death (Esther 3:6, 7:10, 9:10). The  scripture exhorts us to highly cherish, uphold and hold on to Godly ideas while shunning anything to the contrary. “Timothy guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn a way from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge” (1 Timothy 6:10). God will only back what has originated from Hi. Anything not meeting the above condition or criteria is bond to fail.
We all need to purposely and deliberately work towards creating an atmosphere of Godliness in and around us in order to attract and benefit from God’s presence. This is more so now that we know that God is the source of all good things, great ideas included. This we do by acknowledging our sins, confessing them to God and turning away from them to the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, His Lordship and eternal life. Jeremiah 29:13  says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me  with your (whole) heart. The word ‘seek’  above is Hebrew word ‘paqash’ which means to search out, strive after in worship  and pray, beseech, desire or enquire of. A strong desire for God and a resolve to pursue Him through the study of His word, meditation on the same, prayer, fellowship or company of the wise and the Godly will ultimately lead to God putting great ideas in your hands for your benefit and for the benefit of others too. The Roman army officer Cornelius is a case in point” (see Acts 10:1-47). God deposits great ideas in us in order to:-

1.    Facilitate the execution and realization  of God’s will in the world.
A God given idea is not an end to itself, it is actually a means to an end called the execution of God’s desire or God’s will. “…so is my (God’s) word (Oracle, spoken word, message, judgment, report) that goes out from my mouth. It will…accomplish what I desire (what pleases me, my delight), and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11). Bottom line, God created us for His own pleasure. Everything God gives is meant to bring pleasure or delight to Him, and anybody who aligns themselves with what pleases God succeeds in life. “Delight yourself in the Lord (be soft, overly inclined, totally surrendered, or take great pleasure in God and His affairs) and He will give you the desire(s) of your heart (or your heart’s petition, request, or what you want) Psalms 37:4) ultimately our purpose is to Praise, worship or “…do all things to the Glory of God”. God’s work and pleasure can only be actualized by those operating under the canopy of divine ideas.
So Bezalele and Ohaliab and every skilled artisan in whom the Lord has put wisdom (given skill and understanding (ability) to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do the work just as  the Lord has commanded” (Exodus 36:1)
2.    To Meet Man’s Needs And Want And Thus Prosper Man
Within a God given idea is coded God’s will, God’s direction and God’s season for the execution of a particular idea within God’s Calendar of events. All the above when bundled together and appropriately executed culminates into good success. “Do not let this Book of the  Law depart from your mouth, meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”. (Joshua 1:8) Before Coca-Cola Company made its trillions and conquered the world as a popular beverage, the whole thing started off as an idea. Daniel and the three  Hebrew  young men prospered during Nebuchadnezzar’s reign and other subsequent kingdoms because of ideas God put in their hearts when they set themselves a part to pursue God with the whole of  their hearts (Daniel 1:8-21). Expect, value, cherish, develop and execute divine ideas because they are God’s means of buoying  you out of difficult situations  and moving   you from the world of not enough to the world of more  than enough even as we give abundantly to God’s work and pay our tithes (Exodus 36:3-7, Malachi 13:10).
The God of heaven who sees the end from the beginning has  given you  (or is giving  you) an Idea to be the agent in delivering you from poverty, calamity, oppression, and even death if you will master your purpose and pursue your destiny while ridding on the power of that God-given idea.
3.    To restore man back to the position of God’s ordinary intent.
Over and above prosperity godly, ideas come to help man actualize his divine intent, or his original status position-wise as a son of God. While man was originally created in the image of God that position was adversely marred by sin when man disobeyed God. This position of things has now been reversed through the power of the divine idea, of identification sacrifice, and death of Christ in our place. Everyman wanting to be restored back to their position in God must therefore repent of their sins and turn to Christ for salvation and to become a son of God.
4.    Help man fulfill his divine purpose and ultimately realize divine destiny.
“For when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell a sleep, he was buried with his fathers and his body was decayed” (Acts 13:36).
Apart from the Lord Jesus Christ the above scripture is only true for a small number of human being who have ever walked this earth, yet God’s perfect will is that each of us completely serves our purpose while here. The core thing about life is that we are entirely here for God and not for ourselves or anything else. The God of purpose created man to rule the earth on His behalf. We are here divinely as God’s stewards, that is to do only the Lord’s biddings. We are here on earth on specific divine assignment upon which we must zero down to and serve like David did, then and only then can our life be described and reckoned as a life of prosperity and good success wherever we go in God’s presence. (Joshua 1:7,9). The Lord Jesus Christ was able to accomplish His assignment on earth because he identified it and then concentrated His effort therein. No wonder His last words on the cross were “It is finished” (John 19:13), in other words mission accomplished. He did all that in just about three years without a burnout and crush programmes. What a record time when the rest of us have a whole lifetime to do just that, (See Luke 4:18,19, John 10:10, Luke 19:10, 1 John 3:18). The Book of Romans 12 says, “…offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and acceptable to God…your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able  to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will”  (Romans 12:1,2) The above is only possible when we operate in life with divine strategy, and God given ideas under the direction of the Holy Spirit. God created us to be rulers, princes, priests and prophets on planet earth, this all on His behalf. This position can only be realized and maintained through the power of ideas given by the same God of rulership, from whom all authority proceeds. (Romans 13:1). God created man to effect His will on earth, a fete that can never be realized and maintained by a fallen man. Like King Uzziah in his earlier days of kingship we must seek the Lord for divine ideas to prosper. “King Uzziah sought the Lord in the days of Zechariah who had understanding in the visions of God and as longs as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper…the Ammorites gave gifts to Uzziah and his name spread abroad…he became very powerful…and he made devices in Jerusalem invented by skillful men, to be on the towers and the corners, to shoot arrws and large stones. So his fame spread far and wide, for he was markedly (greatly) helped till he became strong” (2 Chronicles 26:5,8,15). As aforesaid, we see greatness realized in the life of King Uzziah because of God’s help through the power of ideas in the manufacture and application of sophisticated war machines of the times. Greatness is synonymous with wealth and military might. Divine ideas will play a major role in establishing us in the lands as authorities and powers to reckon with spiritually, socially, relationally, materially and physically all these against the vicious (cruel) opposing forces of the world, the flesh, and the devil, (1 John 5:4, 5, Galatians 5:16-22, James 4:7).
The right response to every good idea begins with having the right attitude and attachment of great value to good ideas.
We all should live with the attitude of anticipation and expectation to facilitate or the reception of great ideas from God now that we know the major role they play our success. Just as the saying goes, “We attract what we honour” we need to deliberately position ourselves right at all available sources of good ideas in order to capture them when God releases  them to us. Good ideas come mainly to the knowledgeable, wise, keen, prudent and discerning who long ago discovered the keys behind significance in life. That is why the writer of Habakkuk says, “I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts (guard post). I will look to see what He will say to me and what answer I am to give…” (Habakkuk 2:1) The right disposition and position are critical for the reception, development and execution of ideas. Attend appropriate fellowships, seminars, church services, conferences, classes because they will play a major part in the conception and also give you the knowledge for the application of ideas. Purpose to think, walk and talk right and so create a fertile ground for the reception of good or beneficial ideas (Ecclesiastes 9:11, Daniel 1:8). Be the right seed of every divine idea to sprout, grow and flourish in. Carry a notebook, an i-pad, or a phone or any other medium with which you record every good (God-given idea. Operate in life with an idea data bank for eventual development and execution to get necessary edge in life over people and circumstances. “Write down the vision (revelation, idea) and make it plain (clear) on tablets so that the herald (announcer, runner, messenger) who reads it may run with it (proclaim it)” (Habakkuk 2:2). Always cherish, value and actualize the power and purpose of a God-given idea.


  1. I thank God for speaking to me through this message. May we receive His Devine idea in Jesus name,Amen. God bless the writer

  2. Great message, an eye opener. God bless you.

  3. Very good message. More grace to the writer. God bless you. Amen

  4. Ive yet to encounter such profound message on divine ideas. Thank you for sharing. Youre definately led and used of God. I needed this.

  5. Timely for me,such a heart lifting and inspiring message. I receive grace to be a well spring of ideas both for the kingdom others and I.Thank you and may you be replenished with more ideas for greater kingdom work in Jesus name,amen.

  6. Thankyou for this wonderful message

  7. So blessed through this timely message. I am sharing it sir
