Monday, 6 January 2014


TEXT:        LUKE 15:11-32

Paul the Apostle in writing to the Corinthian Church says “Even though you have ten thousand teachers (guardians) in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the Gospel.” (1 Corinthians 4:15). None of us whether physically or spiritually came to be what we are all by ourselves, we were all in one way or the other begotten by somebody. These some bodies who God used to birth you or things in to your lives are the ones we call Fathers. There are different types of fathers in our lives depending on the area of life we are relating namely:
(a)  Our heavenly Father - Our Creator
(b)  Ministry father - majored in ushering you into ministry.
(c)   Father in the faith - who lead you to Christ/helped you keep you in faith.
(d)  Biological father - who bore you.
(e)  Father-in-law - Parent to your husband or wife.
(f)   Father of a movement - Founder.
Fathers are extremely important people in our lives to an extend that it can be (safely) said that in every area of your life, significance and success falls or stands depending on the kind of relationship you have with your father, no wonder Scripture says “Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth (Ephesians 6:2-3).

 Let’s make a quick shift now to our subject matter.
- Sonship. Please note that this word sonship is used in its generic sense, that is, it includes, male or female or simply human offspring. A son in Hebrew is ‘Ben’ which is derived from a root word ‘Banah,’ Hebrew for builder. From this background a son therefore is a builder of the family name by appointment. Another word for a son is Descendant (Genesis 3:16, Daniel 4:22).

In Greek the word for a son is ‘Huios’, meaning child or Kingship. It signifies the relationship of the offspring to the parent (Galatians 4:30, John 9:18-20). This is a privileged position (Acts 3:25) and it is also natural that the son manifest the character of the descended parent (Matthew 23:15, Acts 13:10). The word son is used in many ways namely:-
i)            Descriptively:- Say ‘Son of man/God or sons of God (where plurality is involved).
ii)           Relationally like in the case of children of God (Deutronomy 14:1).
iii)         Membership wise – members of, say a profession, church or guild (association of people who share the same interest, skills, profession etc).

A son is a descendant heir with parentally bequeathed (handed down) inheritance to responsibly and profitably manage under the mandate of propagating the parent entity in an every increasing manner. From the above description, it is important for every son (daughter too) to quickly grasp the will and perspective of their father for the full realization of the above. “The son can do nothing by himself; He can do only what He sees His father doing” (John 5:19)

1.  Following, Submitting and Obedience  to a Father
Right from the beginning of our text, we see the younger son falling short of his very critical sonship attitude. It appears he had his own idea of family leadership when he demanded his inheritance. “Give me my share of estate” (Luke 15:12). It is important to state here that there is a set time of taking charge of an inheritance (Galatians 4:2). Every son should therefore first and foremost determine in their heart of hearts to follow their Father or their leader as we follow Christ the Lord of all the earth (I Corinthians 11:1). It is disastrous to assign yourself what has not been legally assigned you, or to call yourself what God has not called you. Titles like, Apostle, Bishop, Prophet and others are not titles per se but positions which are functionally defined. They also go with due responsibilities, anointing, graces, degree of power and authorities hence commensurate degrees or warfare. Hijacking a big title is like attempting to carry a 90 kg bag of maize as a toddler, it will crush you into God knows what. Your father knows what you need, your graces and gifting, so wait for Him so that in His perfect will and in the fullness of time (Galatians 14:4) impart to you what is His will for you at the time when you are fully prepared for it. In matters of ministry launch out, when God speaks to a son, He will also speak the same to their Spiritual father.

2. Patience
“There is a time for every thing and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). God has beforehand planed everything in the universe down to detail (without letting anything to chance), no wonder Jesus’ ministry was not characterized with crush programmes, and time barred-ness or crisis management. He walked in the perfect will of his father; He did not experience a burn out or develop ulcers. Relax!  God is in control. Before God releases us into any assignment, He first makes us.  The (so called) prodigal son learnt this great lesson of life long after he had lost his entire inheritance, “Make me like one of your hired men” (Luke 15:19b) he said, a humble request which is light years away from his original demand “give me” (Luke 15:12).
It is important for one to serve in their divine vocation right till the fullness of God’s set season. It is God (Father) who sends sons (John 3:16). As an Elisha, persistently follow your Elijah and pour water continually on his hands in spite of ministry hardships in order to get your double portion of the Spirit (from your Elijah), that is how great ministry is born.

3.           Independence
Not long after…he (younger son) set off for a distant country”. It is the nature of the fallen man to want to be independent of any responsibility and consequences - a fantasy (an imaginably idea not based on reality) or act castle that exists no where. Everything about life comes with responsibility and hence consequences. Scriptures say “God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Galatians 6:7).Every life is governed (ruled, controlled) by an inescapable sophisticated network of divine decrees and dictates. God is Lord and sovereign, you can never turn and get away from His divinely founded order, the way to your freedom is to submit under His instituted authority to succeed and excel in life as a son. Your own eyes can lie to you and make you think that the distant mountains have no stones (at least until you get there). If you became adamant and make a dash a t them you could meet with giant builders ten times bigger than those you ran away from. Stay close to your fathers for love and covering. The breakthrough, peace, blessings and success you are enjoying now is first because of their anointing and covering. Life can teach you the very hard way that you should never despise a father’s covering. It is a father who will give you a platform, open doors for you, connect you up, elevate you and give you an unstoppable force into family and ministry. A father’s prayer made out of a glad heart will do great spiritual exploits for you - keep fathers glad, not sad with irresponsible living. Your power and authority emanates from them, so stay faithfully under their authority.

4.   Immaturity and Foolishness
“He squandered his wealth (possession, property, substance, inheritance, future) in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need.” (Luke 15:14) The younger son without his knowledge was going through very precarious and complex stage of life. He had some knowledge but he lacked the power of perception (total or all round awareness or perspective) of the truth of life and the ability to make right judgment. In other words, he lacked what comes with age and experience, wisdom and understanding. He was at a stage in his life where he desperately needed the protection, covering and direction  of  a father but he unfortunately let little knowledge puff  him up and drive him away from the very divine institution that God had deliberately placed in his life to help him. He ran away and landed into the hands of wicked, heartless exploiters and abusers in the distant country who true to their characteristics and nature sucked him dry. Do identify your fathers and humbly walk closely before them even if your little knowledge tells you that you don’t need them anymore. Carefully listen to other counsel and heed their warnings at least they have your welfare at heart and don’t forget they’ve already been through your new found adventures experience.  
5.   Hindsight, Insight and Foresight
Give me…He…squandered…he began to be in need.” (Luke 15:12, 14).  Once the  young man became (or shall we rather say was) moneyed, his new found status immediately made the past, present and future realities make a quick exit out of his radar of memories leaving  him only with the lesser qualities of life, namely, eat, drink  and be merry. He threw caution to the wind and went full blast into ‘enjoying life’ as it is called today. It was however just a matter of time before which all his overnight wealth (with its replenishing channels and its disconnected would ran dry. Isn’t it amazing that even the most valuable things of life if misdirected or misused can quickly cause one’s downfall. This life should be driven by your divine vision and mission.  These two spell or point to your purpose and mandate in life. If you lack them, “you go nowhere, go round in circles, cast of caution (restraint), perish or die” (Perish 29:18). Even you if you appear to go places, run life with a full reflection of the past (where God found you) present (where brought) and future (where God is taking you).  Plan and execute in life for the need, culture and value of the season. Whatever you want to create you’ll need to envision, plan and shape up into form. Expect the best but plan watertight plans that can weather the worst of storms. In your mind, raise, upgrade your degree of perception, language, direction, prayer and performance and goal or target on daily basis. In other words persistently better your past.  
6.   Relationships
“So he went and hired (attached) himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him to his fields to feed swine” (Luke 15:15). When the young man left home inappropriately, he severed a very important and critical connection called relationship with his father and attempted to replace it with that of his carefree pals in the city a total mismatch of relationships. It appeared to work for him as long as he had the money, but when he ran out of it, those same company turned against him. Before you enter into any relationship, life, business or otherwise, carefully study the conditions before you concede to them (some are written in very small handwritings so look for a microscope) Bad or inappropriate relationships can cost even you life. This means that you need to deeply value good, profitable relationships and maintain them at all costs, because they are your channels of life. The loose attachment with the countryman did not work either for the young man, he sent him off to perform the lowest and most hated, menial (degrading) jobs of the time; d care for swine in his fields. A gross misuse and abuse of a son of an important and well to do man. The country man had to do this because he never knew this young gman or his life’s purpose. When people do not know you nor understand your purpose in life, they will certainly abuse and misuse you. The young man only got back his pursuit of divine destiny when he came to himself and went back home to reconnect to his father. Keep away from energy drainers, they are enemies of your soul. Connect and relate closely with those who add value to your life. Good relationship is critical to destiny.   

7.   Distorted Desire
“He desired (longed) to fill his stomach with pods that the pigs were eating” Luke 15:16). Like poor Lazarus in Luke 16:21 never ever allow your worth to be defined by the prevailing conditions of poverty around you. You could be challenged spiritually, economically or otherwise, however that does not define your worth or value.  Your divine DNA says that you are a child of the King, so think, speak and act like one always because that is who you are. Lazarus problem w as not the rich man but his poverty beaten desire “to be fed with the crumbs” (‘psichion’ – morsel, little bits) or tiny pieces of food “falling from the table of the rich king
A self defeatist desire. Because of his attitude towards himself, poor Lazarus had lost the war against poverty from the word go. Jesus says “Whatever things you desire (ask) in prayer believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” It is your desire as a child of God, which will determine your status. Desire will bring home whatever you ask. Isn’t this good reason enough for you to begin from now on to desire great things? Scripture says “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart. (Psalms 37:4).

8.   Worth
I am no longer worthy to be called your son” Luke 15:19) Never sell your birth right and so destroy yourself with your own mouth. Do not call yourself what God does not call you. God says you are a child of the King (John 1:12) – that settles it; anything else is a distant secondary matter. The young man’s surrounding, experience and situation had finally made good of him. He had by now experienced worthlessness long enough to begin to think and talk worthlessly. The prevailing conditions had finally made him poor in the inside and outside. He needed someone to help him make a complete 180° turn for an appropriate transformation into the right perspective of life.  He needed a father to do this for him, but he (the father) could only be do it if he agreed to go back home. Fortunately, for him he came back to his sense and went home. The father never even let him complete his well rehearsed song of worthlessness. He instead put the best robe on him, a golden ring in his hands, and sandals on his feet (remember it is a son who wears shoes not slaves). In that quick smart move, the father had restored to his son royalty, Identity, worth, a sense of belonging, plus the power and authority to surge forward powerfully to destiny. He could now rediscover his purpose and proceed on to execute his mandate as a son. The spirit of sonship had been reborn in him, “For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out ‘Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15)

9.   Security
“He ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him” Luke 15:20) It is only within the context of the home situation where every member of the family is safe and secure. It is within the home where we are lavished with parental love and care. From the word go  you need  to be committed  to valuing, honouring, loving and speaking well of your home, be it your nation, church, family, parenthood, fellowship,  workplace, business, leaders,  or whatever else God has made to play home to you. “And seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you in exile and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will have welfare” (Jeremiah 29:7). The fact that the younger son came home and found security and purpose should speak volumes to you concerning the importance of having the right attitude towards home and a parent.

10.               Greed
“The older brother became angry and refused to go in” Luke 15:28). It is very sad to note that the older sons relation the father was conditional His submission, honour obedience had to be darned. In his heart his position in relation to his father was that:- I will obey, honour and submit to you as a father as long as you get everything done right my  way. He never understood the concept of father/son (blood and covenant) relationship, which relationship is over and above any challenge, spoken word and or deed.  He was further more concerned with the small things of this life, like who would take what part of the inheritance. He did not know that with the father around everything was his and that that there was no need for infighting or competition as there was enough for every family member. There was adequate allocation of resources and talent for all to prosper. He also did not understand that another son’s success was their corporate family victory. He had not discovered the ‘hoard it and loose versus ‘use or give and get more principle! Bottom-line, he was carnal. In this very unfortunate state of affairs only the father had the power and authority to defend the younger son, from the vengeful greedy of the older son. It is only your father who has the capacity to defend you from the many enemies. You will meet in life bent who are on destroying you without any sight of mercy, even if you just tripped and fell. It was because of presence of a father in his life that prophet Micah was able to write “Do not gloat (rejoice) over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will arise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light” (Micah 7:8). Only the prayer or voice of a father made on your behalf against your accusers will totally silence all of them. “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail…” (Luke 22:31-32).

11.               Ownership/Possession 
“…you never gave me a young goat…” (Luke 15:29). In spite of his position as a first born and age, the older son had never come to terms with whom he was and how that translated into how he should think, talk and work. He was a subtle (delicate, unnoticeable) prisoner of ignorance, a disposition that severely limited his authority, and ability in the management of the father’s estate plus his progress as the chief executor of his father’s estate (or his inheritance). He had worked too long with the slaves to appoint where slavery had gotten too deep into him that He thought, acted and lived like one of them. Like the young eaglet in the company of the hen and its chicken he needed to slightly tilt his head up to see its kind in command of the skies and so stretch forth its wings underutilized and soar to greatness. Physically, he was very close to the father, but mentally and relationally he was light years away. An all round close proximity to a father will take you places as others stand aloof and watch disabled and grounded. “Now fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and stood opposite them (reflecting an attitude of opposite) while two of them (Elijah and Elisha) stood by the Jordan …Now when the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho…saw him (Elisha) they said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha” and they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground before him” (2 Kings 2:7, 15). It is a father’s  fervently (passionately sought) impartation which will give you recognition and an edge in life, not self elevation.

12.               Gratefulness and celebration.
“…This son of mine was dead and has come to life again, he was lost, and has been found’ And they began to be merry” (Luke 15:24). A poor or remote connection to a father is not only equated to death, it kills.  You can never claim to be a son of a father to whom you hardly relate with well. It is the kind and degree of relationship you have that gives life to or kills it. Father/son relationship is a relationship to be worked hard at because the salvation and wellbeing of future generations hangs on it. In celebrating his son’s return the father was introducing a very important dimension in the wellbeing of any human society – the dimension of gratefulness or thankfulness. Never let any opportunity of thanking someone or God pass by. It is prudent to crown those golden opportunities with these golden words, ‘Thank you.

1.   For Training into and the Impartation of fatherhood.
Fathers and sons have great spiritual obligation to beget and greater up getter sons for posterity and so pass on their divine inheritance because inheritance is transferred generationally. A father carries what belongs to the next generation and unless conditions are right relationally, that transfer cannot be effected. The son therefore has to train and faithfully serve his father in order to qualify for and receive the spirit of fatherhood. ‘And if you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another who will give you that which is your own” (Luke 16:12)

2.   To keep off God’s Curse from the earth
“Behold I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord...he will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of their children to their fathers lest I come and smite the land with a curse” (Malachi 4:5-7). Heaven remained closed after Malachi for a period of 400 years until the coming of John the Baptist, a man who had the spirit of Elijah. A delinquent (irresponsible and offensive) generation that does not understand authority closes heaven above themselves and begets an imbalanced society. “Joshua…and (his) generation also was gathered to their fathers and there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work which he had done for Israel. The sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served Baals …and He (God) gave them into the hands of plunders who plundered them” (Judges 2:8-14). Fathers are like the Old Testament judges or a one man army, they deliver generations from plunderers (2 Kings 2:12, 13:14). Like Elisha we must be prepared to carry the double portion of the spirit from our fathers to the next generation or else we perish. We must never be like Gehazi and the prodigal son who did not have the interest (vision) of the father at heart. The grace of the father therefore did not rest on Gehazi, no wonder he could not raise the Shunamite woman son even with Elisha’s staff (II Kings 4:29, 31). This condition was not a secret, because even the discerning Shunammite woman rejected him (4;30). If you cannot submit to an authority, especially a divinely instituted one you don’t qualify to and cannot exercise authority within it. Violating a father-son relationship brings down a divine curse upon a people.

3. To carry forth and communicate a fathers spirit and vision
Your genes and that of your son’s is unique and commensurate
To your life’s purposes and a mandate. If you don’t know who you are and your purpose, you end up perishing or wasting your time and life for lack of vision. (Proverbs 29:18). A father’s spirit and vision is carried and communicated by the son. In other words, without a son a father’s vision cannot continue. “Anoint Hazael King over Aram and Jehu…King over Israel, and Elisha…a prophet in your place. And it shall come about...who escapes the sword of Hazael, Jehu shall put to death, and the one who escapes from the sword of Jehu, Elisha shall put to death” (2 Kings 19:15-17). Hazael, Jehu and Elisha would through this anointing have prerogative (an exclusive right or privilege) to accomplish what Elijah could not or found  too difficult  to achieve because of their new level of double portion of the spirit that at this point was made available  to them, because Elisha’s had vehemently sought it (2 Kings 2:1-12). “When the sons of the prophet who were at Jericho…saw him (Elisha) they said, “The spirit of Elijah rest on Elisha” and they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground before him (2 Kings 2:15).
4.For onward trans-generational transfer. 
The spirit of fatherhood is trans-generational  that is to say that what the father carries is  for the next generation. Both father and son can only benefits from if the son receives it prospers and in turn blesses the father and the proceeding generations. If this process is hampered, we are stuck.  God thinks generationally. He is not limited to generation a single or moment.  His concern is; how what, is happening now will affect the coming generations. He has a concern of; where do we go from here. Generational transfers begins from the father to the son, if this channel fails, the father dies with this crucial generational inheritance. “And Elisha died and they buried him. And as they were burying a man…they cast the man in the grave of Elisha. And when the man touched the bones of Elisha he revived and stood upon his feet” (2 Kings 13:20-21).  Because Gehazi and others had failed to pursue the generational spirit that rested on Elisha, (this time round a double portion) he died with it. So heavy was it that its contact with the body of a dead man, the man immediately revived, an indication too that a father’s spirit and vision is life giving, and resurrecting the dead situations. 

Your destiny is tied to your father’s, and his spirit goes with  you wherever you go, perceiving and knowing what you are up  to and involved in. have  you noticed that it is almost impossible to successfully lie to a father. Be true, faithful and obedient to your father, it is the sure channel to your blessings. 

how to EXCEL as a son
1. have the right perspective OF YOURSELF as a son THEN discover,   know, RECOGNIZE AND HONOUR your FATHER. 
“For through the grace given to me I say to everyman among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to be, but  rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.”  (Romans 12:3)
As a son, a revelation of a true and balanced appraisal (right judgment of your value, worth and condition)   is crucial for a breakthrough especially in a father-son relationship. Recognize, accept, receive, obey and operate in a covenant relationship with your father. Rewind your mind to think like God. “Do not copy  the behaviour and customs (patterns) of this world, but  let God transform you into a new person by changing  the way you think, then you will learn to know God’s will  for you, which is good, pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2-3). As  stated earlier, fathers are those who have, birthed, authored and initiated various milestones (important events) in your life and whose relationship with you continue to impact your life positively and powerfully apart from shaping your future. When true fathers speak over your life, something significant happens. Fathers unstuck one, open great doors and with their words, protect their children. It is very dangerous and unacceptable attitude to be in indifferent, familiar with or assume a father. (Ephesians 6:1-3). Go out of your way to seek fellowship with your fathers.  Don’t just wait for them to come to you, earnestly seek for them yourself. You need mentors and coaches in all areas of your life, namely:- leadership, morality, education, ministry, family, profession, just  to name a few. You have a great responsibility over your shoulders; you can ill afford to fumble.

A sound relationship with those to whom God has divinely connected you to is too important to give a mere lip service.  Work at it because as a son you are a builder more or less like a hinge on which the door turns in the sense that posterity (future generations) stand or fall depending on what you say and do. You are a seed which must come to fruition based on your critical importance (Luke 8:8). Be consistent in your efforts on Godliness and like God’s sanctifying word which is truth, (John 17:17), keep your word. Be holy as the Lord is (1 Peter 1:16) highly cherish and protect your faith. Let trials or tests strengthen and prove your faith. Exercise your faith and keep it centered on Christ the pioneer and perfecter of your faith. (Hebrews 12:2). To get better results, you must upgrade and improve your perspective and input in every area of your life.  Change (and a positive one here) is the key word. (Romans 12:2)

Attach a higher value on Godliness, righteousness and Church fellowship. Expose yourself to God’s word for cleansing; be devoted to the Apostles doctrine (teaching). (Acts 2:42-47)

For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15). Fatherhood is about leadership and the basis of leadership is relationship. Before one can appreciate and submit to the spirit of fatherhood, they must first and foremost grasp and embrace the position of sonship fully well. Satan is the father of all rebellion towards a divinely instituted authority. To stand in opposition to divine order is to identify with the devil. Such opposition or attitude attracts divine condemnation or judgment on oneself. (Romans 13:1,2) and ultimately causes the shipwreck of one’s faith. Those who submit to the spirit of fatherhood like Elisha (to Elijah) become greater authorities in the next generation. True sons imitate their father and begin where their fathers left off – talk of ‘a practical head start’. Do not reinvent the wheel, stand on the shoulders of your father and see further and hence go further. Remember you cannot possess what you cannot see.

“Now I pray… (to God), if I have found favour in your sight, let me know your ways that I may (continue to) find favour in your sight” (Exodus 33:13). The truth is that you cannot stand behind, defend or support a system which you don’t know (at least for not long). A time comes when you become overwhelmed with the questions that challenge its very authenticity and sooner or later, you have to relent your support. True knowledge to an entity is a necessary fundamental ingredient in effectively relating with and supporting it.…sanctity (make holy, hallow) Christ as  Lord in your heart always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15). Time has come for us Africans to know the importance of always defending the God-given institutions that maintain us like our family, churches, communities, nations and stop speaking irresponsibly and negatively about them to our own peril. Always speak what you desire onto the institution of concern in order to effect positive change, because words are empowered to effect those changes. True sons will seek to deeply know and understand the way of their fathers and do all in their power to protect his anointing because they know that they desperately need it. “Like arrows in the hands of a warrior so are children (sons) of one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them they shall not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate.” (Psalms 127:4-5).  The knowledge of the father‘s ways (conduct, way of life, path) will provide a son with the qualification, power or capacity and resolve to stand and protect him. It gives a son an upper hand in the process of decision-making, judgment and thoroughness in a transactional or confrontational situation.
Do not condone (overlook, tolerate) sin but also do not expose the nakedness of your father. The father’s spirit and anointing are gifts given by God almighty for the benefit of sons and others (2 Kings 6:12-21) and so to protect a father’s interest is to keep and protect your inheritance. (2 Kings 13:13, 14, 6:7). A father is like a one man army or wall of protection around his son.

For purpose of this message, the word familiarity here means ‘to be used to, to a point where one considers something or someone as common. Undue intimacy or overly (excessive) interaction and association with a father will cause a son to perceive a father incorrectly, making him not benefit from his father’s discipline, correction, instruction, blessing or prophetic word. It will be hard to separate a serious moment and a time for jokes. Every wise son knows where the redline passes and will not over step it. Be friendly enough with your father to even share jokes but serious enough not to miss out on any fatherly input because perception determines reception. A wrong perception (awareness, understanding, opinion, judgment) of a father closes heaven over you and causes your blessings to be spoken over another. “And He (Jesus) could do no miracle there except that he laid His hands upon a few sick people and healed them (Mark 6:5)  Offense is the product of familiarity (Mark 6:1-6). It is very easy to disagree and separate with a person you are too familiar with (even your husband or wife). An anointing which you do not honour cannot help, woe to you if it is a father’s anointing.

If a father cannot recognize you, it simply means one thing, you are dangerously too far from him, matter of fact, you are not his son relationally. Distance will rob you of the benefit of a father’s cover and authority so show up and stay (or come) close to receive your fatherly blessings (Genesis 27:21, 26). Play a central participatory role in an atmosphere of submission to accomplish great exploits like our Lords Saviour Jesus Christ. A true son carries the behaviour and responsibility of a father upfront. Close proximity to a father will facilitate a father, son impartation and enable a son to operate in the anointing of his father in an even greater measure. While Elijah did seven notable miracles, Elisha, his son in ministry did fourteen.

“It is like the precious oil upon the head, coming down upon the heard, even Aaron’s beard, coming down upon the edge of his robes” (Psalms 133:2). A divine anointing does not just fall from the sky. It is imparted through the laying on hands by one with legitimate authority over another, or someone to whom you have submitted yourself to. Anointing flows from head down, and so the closer you are to the head, the sooner you get it. An anointing gives you a name that even demons recognize hence an authority to cast them out. “And the evil spirit answered and said to them (sons of Sceva) “I recognize Jesus and I know about Paul, but who you are?” (Acts 19:15). As a son who can also be planted (we plant sons not churches) some where, submit to a father’s authority, you have been chosen and appointed to go and bear fruit that remains through an Apostolic fatherhood which has its source solely in Christ. Locate your spiritual and physical geographical to the place of God’s assignment and minister there for greater exploits. Remain connected to those with whom God connected you with relationally and locationally through sound lively relationships. Never make the grave mistake of breaking divine relationships.   

As I wind up this series on Father hood and Son ship, I would like to emphasis that God almighty is the author of the family unit and that His system of transacting with any one is always through the family into which each individual is born, or adopted whether physical, spiritually or otherwise. “God created man in his own image…male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and increase   in number, fill the earth…” (Genesis 1:27, 28). “For this reason (of providing companionship, help and other purpose of the family) a man will leave his father and mother (a leaving from a parental family) and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24), to form a new family. In a nutshell, a connection with family is a connection with God and vise versa, because it is the family that God conferred His blessings.

God does not work haphazardly, without any order or direction; He is a master planner, executer and fulfiller. Below are the six major purposes of the family. To or for;
1.   Glorify God, (Psalms 22:23, Matthew 5:16, I Corinthians 10:31).
2.   Provide companionship (Genesis 2:18).
3.   Create a basic working team (Genesis 1:28, 2:24).
4.   Meeting physical and emotional needs.
5.   Procreate or child bearing (Genesis 1:28).
6.   Gospel witness and maintaining life on the earth. (through a hospitable and loving Christian home

As stated earlier the word Father refers to a parent, (in an in-law setting too), or even a founder of an entity. As in the latter and in many other areas it is used generically and hence incorporates all the two genders. In the Hebrew language, Father is ‘Ab’   which among others means chief, Patrimony or principle, whereas in Greek it isPater’ meaning a Father parent or nourisher. Spiritually, a father therefore is a protector, upholder, originator, source, founder (Romans 9:5), provider, giver, illuminator, head, Patriach, or Ancestor (Genesis 28:13). In the Hebrew culture, a father had an exclusive right over everyone of his children. Like Abraham in (Genesis 22:10) on Mount Moria, fathers had exclusive rights over them (children) to let live, kill or even sell them out to slavery. Spiritually, not much has changed today, that is why a father must be extremely cautious over what they speak or do to their sons even if the intentions aren’t evil. A father is and should be treated as a revered superior. A responsible father is also a spiritual leader. (1 Timothy 1:3, 18; 1 Corinthians 4:14. Every knowledgeable and responsible son will show and serve the father with reverent obedience (Exodus 20:12, Leviticus 19:3, Deuteronomy 5:16), because a part from birthing the son, fatherhood has its origin in God (Genesis 17:5), so receiving and obeying your father is  doing  the same to God, howbeit, indirectly.

In the Old Testament God became the father of Israel by covenant (Exodus 4:22). He is also the father of the Messiah (Psalms 2:7, Hebrews 1:5) and also the father of all true behaviours (Psalms 103:13, Isaiah 63:16). In the New Testament, He is the father of all believers (Romans 1:7, 1 Corinthians 1:2-3, John 1:12). What a great privilege therefore to be under God’s care for the provision of your needs and also to be made joint heirs with Christ over God’s inheritance (Mathew 6:32, Luke 12:32, Romans 8:17). This is the very essence of the spirit of sonship. It is a life of joy, void of any worry as you walk under the Holy Spirit leadership (Romans 8:14). Don’t forget too that God also chastises us to help us develop a character like His when we turn away from Him (Hebrew 12:9w 5:48) as His sons.

Fatherhood is a divine principle which by divine appointment has immense power over sons to address their spiritual, physical and relational issues. Through it, direction, leadership, trans-generational blessings, inheritance and breakthrough are realized.  Through fatherhood order and Godliness is instituted and established. This is facilitated in a learning and growth environment where teaching is done, instruction given and knowledge imparted ultimately injecting the all important dimension of balance or stability within the family structural system. A father rules over circumstances and exercises his divinely instituted authority through his sons, (Psalms 127:5) as he sits  at the gate to confront matters of sin, rebellion and disunity  hence administering commensurate corrective punitive action or chastisement with the aim of instilling and maintaining discipline and the fear of God in the family. Fatherhood is not about being a sucker but rather growing, and providing to his sons materially, emotionally, financially, socially and spiritually. A true father is committed to his sons, and through much patience, love and sacrifice grows them into responsible heirs and ultimately effective fathers.

1.   Birth, Grow, Plant (release or send) sons out at the appointed time and place. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides (remains, lives or survives) in me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). This is the principle of dependence that governs the entire human race, which should also form the very basis of your approach to life. From the word go, a son is birthed, grown, matured and sent on behalf of the father, He is like a messenger of the father therefore wherever  the son is  sent (and goes to)  he carries the name and the authority of the father as long as he stays under the authority of his father. That is why in an Apostolic Church system, it is sons who are planted, not churches, because the governing system is father-son based and not father-church based.  As son’s relocation and timing are derived and determined by his relationship to his father. “The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave you country, your people and your fathers’ house and go to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). A father therefore must be courageous enough to release their sons into their respective destiny, when the right time comes.

2.  Cover, protect and defend his sons.
“When Elisha was sick the illness of which he was to die, Joash King of Israel came down to him and wept over him and said, “My father! My father!” the chariots and horsemen of Israel.” King Joash here was actually echoing the very words of Elisha which he had uttered when he was finally separated from Elijah by the chariots and horses of fire in 2 Kings 2:12. As a son it is prudent to acknowledge your father for his blessings and exploits in your life not only in your heart but also publicly. A father on the other hand must be proactive in matters of covering, protecting or defending his sons. Stand with your sons not with the enemy of their destiny both in word and deed even if you know they are the ones who on the wrong. Correct them later after the enemy has been defeated. Like Jesus Christ to Peter, reach put to your sons and support them, help them from sinking in the waters and storms of life. Their time for correction and rebuke will come later. “Elisha said, “Get a bow and some arrows… Take the bow in your hands… Open the East window…shoot…” The Lord’s arrow of victory over Aram” Elisha declared. “You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek” (2 Kings 13:15 – 17). From the above scriptures, pop out the dimensions of revelation   or illumination (bows and arrow), responsibility (take the bow), command (shoot) and declaration of divine  victory (The Lord’s arrow) all these by the father (Elijah)  over a son (King Joash. A father must deal with the sons’ critics and handle their enemies for them without shying away or making an assumption. He must take responsibility and answer the avengers for his sons. He must not only do warfare for the sons but also train them on warfare. Teach prayer, how to study and meditate on God’s word and how to apply the word to situations plus how to claim God’s promises. Instruct on how to hear the Spirit and obey His instructions (Romans 8:14) as His children. As a true father, you are an entire army fighting for your children. A son’s obedience to a  father’s  command should  not just  be a mechanical  or basic in nature  but  be coupled with zeal so for greater exploits  because like an arrow (Psalms 127:4) a  son  is expected  to go further than  his father. “You should have struck the ground five or six times, then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it.” (2 Kings 13:19)

3.  Opens doors and unfolds riddles.
“On the forth day they said to Samson’s wife, “entice your husband, that he may tell us the riddle lest we burn you and your father’s house with fire…on the seventh day he told her…The men of the city said to him….what is sweeter than honey and what is stronger than a lion” (Judges 14:15) a father knows the graces, understand the needs, callings and giftings of the son. He as such cannot consciously abuse or misuse his sons, but rather positions and plants them appropriately. He makes baffling and difficult situations simple because he has been through and overcome those same situations before. That means he has knowledge, understanding, experience and wisdom to help and stretch and so open the mind of a son plus give clear instructions coupled with guidance. A father should therefore through preparation, study and application master the art of clear and effective communication to his sons. It pays to walk close to such fathers. As a father, open doors, provide platforms and connect your sons.  
Declare: “Fathers speak over my life, deal with and overcome issues in my life. I purpose to stay close to you!”

4.  Provide or facilitate vision and direction to sons.
After this that I (God) will pour out my spirit (in the last days) on all mankind (Jews and Gentiles, slaves or free) and your sons and daughters will  prophecy, your old men will dream dreams (will be pleasantly full of strong, large and powerful or notable supernatural revelations of God), your young men  will see visions” (Joel 2:28). While a  vision is rather hazy and almost always  not with notable, clear or direct speech a  dream is much closer to a normal life situation in that both the dreamer and dreamed participate, nevertheless in the realm of the dreamer’s subconscious. As in the above scripture, (in a related dream and vision situations, it is the dream which comes before the vision. An old man will therefore verbally speak, convey or impart a dream to a son who will in turn derive a vision from a father. A vision is the responsibility of the son who through time should develop God’s help and bring it to reality. A son will out of the dream grow, develop or put together a vision.  Thais is he begins from where the father left off.  A son must first be born, grown in the home into maturity and adulthood before he can be handed over the button with which to blaze the trail of life. A father’s dream comes before a son’s vision and without a father’s dream; you cannot birth a truly legitimate or right vision. “the  son can  do nothing  of himself, unless it is something he sees the father  doing for  whatever  the father does, these things  the son also does in like manner…the  father loves the son and  shows him all things” John 5:19,20). The chief motivation of relationship and impartation is love, so fathers purpose to love your sons, with the love of God (John 15:9, 12, 17).

5.  Confers blessings and inheritance.
“Now the Lord (Jehovah – the covenant name  of God) said to Abram,…I will make  you a great nation  and I will bless  you and make your name great  and so you shall be  a blessing  and I will bless  those who  bless you  and  the  one who curses  you I will curse (bitterly  curse  and make  light, vile, small, despise or bring into contempt), and  in you all the families (tribes, peoples, clans  species)  of the earth shall be blessed (receive abundant benefit  and greatness).” (Genesis 12:1,2,3).
God blesses or deposits divine benefits in abundance and greatness in a father with the express purpose of him passing the same on to the sons in an increased proportion (double portion).  You cannot give what you don’t have.  What the fathers impart to you as a son is what he has in him self as a father so be strategically positioned to receive it. A father has the great privilege of influencing and affecting posterity through a knowledgeable, wise and proper application of faculties of speech, “death and life are in the power of the tongue…” (Proverbs 18:21) Fathers, go out of your way and speak blessings over your sons, don’t be a mute father.
A father has much privilege and authority over his children. A positions which he can misuse, ignore, assume or on the other hand totally exploit to God’s glory to the benefit of posterity. The spirit of fatherhood is about responsibility and functions. Do father as follows:-
1.   Come to real terms with the position of fatherhood.
“My people perish (are destroyed) for lack of knowledge, because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being my priests” (Hosea 4:6). Priesthood is a reserve for those who recognize, acknowledge, and vehemently (fiercely) pursue divine knowledge, because the lack of it (especially as a father) is not only catastrophic to yourself alone but to many others under the cover of your influence, directly or indirectly. God is on the side of knowledge seekers, join Him and stick with Him and prosper. A father must not only have love and knowledge, he should also know how to communicate it and also preserve it for future generations. “In addition to being a wise man, the preacher also taught the people knowledge and pondered (searched out) and arranged many proverbs. The preacher also sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly. The words of wise men are like goads (cattle prods – painful but helpful). Their collected sayings are like a nail-studded stick with which a shepherd drives the sheep” (Ecclesiastes 12:9-11). As a father read deep and wide, meditate on God’s  word, think  through, pray, understand, gains wisdom, then issue decrees  and declarations on your house. “You shall decree a things and it shall be established for you.(Job 22:28 See also Joshua 1:6-8, Psalms 1:1-3). Your library, your hours of study speaks volumes on your ministry and position as a father.

2.   Have A Strong Devotional Life.
“When the day of feasting (of Job’s sons and daughters) had completed their cycle…Job would send and consecrate them, rising up early in the morning and offering burnt offering according to the number of them all… this Job did continually.”  (Job 1:5). If your waking up time and commitmentis the same as that of your sons,  as a fatherhood  then be sure of this, your impact on their lives will be pretty minimal, in fact chances are, they may outsmart you and beat  you at your own game (of fatherhood). It has already been said, and rightly so (in this respect) – ‘The early bird catches the worm.’ Every bird loves a worm but not all birds will catch one. Something good happens in the life of a father and his sons when he masters the art of early rise, focused intercession and prayer on a continuous basis. Outsmart the kingdom of darkness, wake up early and hit the iron while it is still hot, it will save your prayer energy for other areas.   Pray for your sons mentioning them by name before, weep over your family, give them prayer cover and pray them into salvation. God’s power to turn around situations for the better is released when we make focused, spirit-led prayer. Like Job, be in the spirit and be proactive in your prayer life (Romans 8:14) for your sons.   

3.   Have faith in  your sons,
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Initiate and maintain positive communications with them. See your sons at their destiny point not in the now. Their now is very dynamic, it is changing all the time because God is busy making them (Genesis 12:2, Luke 15:19). Ever been to a construction site? How does it compare with the completed work? Well, to do get to that masterpiece, it must first be constructed or made, this is the stage where your sons are now. Be patient with your sons and keep the curse word out of their lives, always speak positively over them and on their behalf. Train them to think Kingdom not on parochial selfish lines, pray God down on them and their ministries. (We are all ministers in our own rights). Meet one on one with them for effective impartation; exploit the informal settings to share a part of you with them. Share from heart to heart. Be sincere not artificial, open up you wounds for them to see to help strengthen their resolve, to own, and stand for the course of your faith (John 21:27-28). 
4.   Love Your Sons and Impart Knowledge and Revelation to Them 
“For the father loves the Son and shows him all things that he himself is doing, and greater works than these will he show Him that you may marvel.”(John 5:20)
A son in an intimate relationship with the father gets a head start in life and stands heads and shoulders above the rest. An intimate father –son relationship gives you an edge over the crowd. As said, earlier the right motivational factor in this relationship is love. It causes a father to freely and completely release the next generations blessing and breakthrough to the Son. Fathers you are divinely authorized to love your sons.
As we conclude this series we challenge you to be on accomplished father who births, grows mentors and releases sons into destiny. Like Elijah, open the heavens and transfer the double potion of your spirit to your sons. Be a leader always and lead from the front anchored on Christ. Be visionary and be able to see and communicate your dream clearly to your sons. Amen!!!


  1. Your writeup has been a blessing, thank you so much.Your pen will not lack an ink neither will your head lack oil.

  2. God bless you for this. I pray that God continue to grant you more revelations of his word.

  3. God bless you for this. I pray that God continue to grant you more revelations of his word.

  4. Wow!what a great writing this was. I salute you man of God. Looking forward for more

  5. If there is any life changing material I have read this year, it has to be this and am glad this wasnt a waste of time but exactly what I have been looking for. I salute you sir for sharing this because this is what our generation needs for the Salvation of the future Christianity. I request please by any chance do we have an E-book for this?

  6. What a blessing so blessed by this revelation..

  7. Enter your comment...thank u sir the Lord lead me to do research on this
    .He really send me here for good..I think I have all am looking for..permit me to use ur writing sir

  8. This is an amazing article. Thank you for sharing these deep truths about Sonship.
