Monday, 6 January 2014


SERIES:                       SPIRITUAL WARFARE
TEXT:                           GENESIS 49:8-12.

1.          Running Your Race

The way for success, significance, achievements or actualization of destiny is found in one’s resolve to dedicatedly run their own race, and serve their divine purpose because no institution worthy its salt (heaven included) will ever reward you for doing what was not your assignment in the first place. What you do and how you do it counts a lot because it dictates to your destiny. A lion even in the hostile wild lives on and serves its creational purpose by pursuing, executing and fulfilling its life’s assignment with a lion attitude and lion power. In other words a lion plays hard and smart with resolve. It is the lead creature of the jungle and it knows it very well. Like Christ in Luke 4:18 receive your vision from God articulate it and set out to effectively execute and actualize it. Learn the art and practice of early rise, speak to your day and command your morning (Job 1:5, 38:12). Operate in life with an over comers demeanor (conduct) even in the face of danger, calamity or opposition. You are royalty and so ultimately every Satanic opposing should windup under your feet. Purpose to live and  enjoy your life to the full in the now. Operate in life with the prophetic unction of hind sight, insight and fore sight while upheld by the pillars of knowledge, wisdom and understanding, to prepare appropriately for the future. When the scripture states that in all these things we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37), do notice that it is a present tense sentence, which is stating who we are. Which who we are is critical   in the process of fulfilling one’s purpose “for as stating thinks (in his heart) so he is” (Proverbs 23:7). Come into full terms with the essence, purpose, power and art of leadership and execute with excellence as God’s lion, by creation, sanctification, and authorization. You were born a lion you cannot therefore afford to settle for anything less, you just must be a lion metaphorically.

2.            Operating In Your Prophetic Word
If  you continue in my word (hold on to my teaching) then  you are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth (the reality lying at the basis of an appearance or the manifested actual, real, or basic quality of a matter) and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31,32). Christian life in the context of the above scripture in spite of all severity trials is a joy, and not a heavy load. No wonder the Lord Jesus Christ said “…my yoke is easy and my burden is light”, (Matthew 11:30). Christ’s yoke and burden compared to the yoke of the law, religion and legalism (especially as exercised   on the people by the religions leaders of the day and practiced by the Pharisees) is easy and light. It is lack of knowledge that makes man kind to run a way  from God into satans’ hands instead of running into God’s open arms of love (Hosea 4:6). It made Judah a man with a powerful prophetic word over his life flee from the midst of his brothers into the hands of the Vicious Canaanites who were it not for God would have milked him dry and eventually destroyed him (Genesis 38). “The thief comes not but to steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10a). Because of Judah’s sin with his daughter in law, the prophetic word over him had to undergo a ten generational delay before it was fulfilled in King David for, “ no one born of a forbidden marriage nor any of his descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord even down to the tenth generation” (Deuteronomy 23:2). Godly knowledge applied is critical for destine actualization so purpose to pursue it unrelentingly. Acquire it through appropriate reading materials, media, institutions, seminars and research. Knowledge will make you a force to recon with in the society and multiply your audience and hence your influence. We do good to honour and flow carefully with God’s rhema (word) over us because if the devil cannot stop you, he will converse around to cause a delay. Never fumble with a divine opportunity and favour or privilege. Execute in it with wisdom, discernment, precision and excellence. You are God’s lion and as His legitimate representation on earth He expects and counts on you to effect His will on the earth (Genesis 1:26, 27, 28, Psalms 115:16). He is a great God with a colossal (very great) assignment for you that is why you were born ‘a lion’ and not an antelope, a whole world of a difference. It is therefore imperative that you know who you are and what you carry for you to effectively execute your divine mandate. Consider a hypothetical an expectant mother who has been made fully aware that what she carries in her womb is the future president say of Kenya or the United States of America. I guess she would ensure that she gets accommodation close to the best health facility available. She would also be  showing up at that facility at least once every day for a check up. Why? Because of the value of what she carries in her womb. All that with standing she will also watch very carefully what she eats says and where she goes and not to forget what she does. We Christians too are expectant with the invaluable time spanning prophetic word of God in us a waiting certain fulfillment (that is, if we have not executed it already). We must therefore like the mother above watch what we take in, expose ourselves to, where we reside, what we say or do just to name a few. The buzz word here would be ‘watch’ (and shall I add, pray), for appropriate execution of that word. When a ship is carrying very dangerous cargo (UDC) or precious cargo it always gets preferential treatment at borders crossing points. In a similar manner too should we afford ourselves preferential treatment because like in the case of   Judah we carry the destiny of nations in us. We just must just do a good job of the execution of our divine assignment and so like David fulfill our divine purpose, for that Prophetic word in faith, word and deed. Everything about our life effort should flow in the direction of God’s prophetic word on our lives.

3.            Deliverance and applying one self to the prophetic word.
The day you  declared yourself a believer in Christ, that same day you declared war against the Kingdom of darkness and so did that Kingdom also (declare war) against you. You must now fight in the name of the Lord to enforce your declaration. You must not keep quiet now. Make declaration, decree, without ceasing for “…life and death are in the power of the tongue…” (Proverbs 18:21).
In your new important position as a soldier in the Lord’s army you should never forget that a soldier only has a job either because there is the possibility of danger or because their exists a war situation or a declaration of war, both of which are the true state of Hairs especially in the Spiritual realm. A warrior or a soldier also lives on the spoils of war.  In other words in the life of a professional soldier if there is no war nor a possibility of one, there would be no job and consequently or worse still no spoils to live by.  This would ultimately culminate into a situation of no inheritance. They didn’t go with us (to war) so they can’t have any of the plunder (Spoil) we recovered… but David said,” No my brothers! Don’t be selfish with what the Lord has given us! We share and share a like – those who go to battle and those who guard the equipment” (Isaiah 30:22, 23). The birth point or where the rubber hits the tarmac in Spiritual Warfare is when we receive the rhema uttered, or spoken word, or the fresh divine revelation in the Kairos, (defining or critical opportune right moment, time or season) and proceed on to authontatively) declare, decree or pray down within that divinely allocated time slot or season the revealed word. Simply put we must always be rightly positioned to receive God’s fresh word for the specific time or season we are in, speak it forth by faith and then follow it up with the appropriate prophetic actions. This is the essence of Spiritual warfare. It is a God authored and God executed procedure (how be it through man), executed in God’s time and for God’s glory, for “The Lord (Jehovah) is a man of war; The Lord (Jehovah) is His name, (Exodus 15:3). In other words as seasoned Spiritual Warriors we ought to be like the children (tribe) of Issacher…men who understood (the signs of) the times and knew the best course or)  what Israel ought to do (or the right course to take) – I Chronicles12:32. We do this by keeping a breast with the affairs of heaven or by constantly or perpetually living in His presence. A thorough and consistent word study,  meditation on God’s word, praying in the spirit, availing your self to hear God speak to you through other God ordained ministers,  media, channels  included are not only powerful but also necessary avenues for the fresh word of God. Remember lions eat fresh. A lion in the wild roars to asset its authority and keep any emerging threat to its authority under check of subjection by raining terror on them. This if does on a continues basis to keep or hold animals subdued under it’s authority always. Rebeka’s family understood this principle well, that is why at the point of releasing her for marriage to Isaac, “they blessed Rebekah and said to her, “you are our sister (a connection point and legitimate therefore receiver of these words of blessing), be the mother of thousands of millions others and let your seed posses the gate of those who hate them” (Genesis 24:60). These words spoken over Rebekah were in effect a roar against every opposition or enemy Rebekah and her seed effectively therefore bring the perpetual dimensions of safety and prosperity to the camp of Rebekah and her offspring .  Take this early opportunity to also do a warfare roar over yourself and your posterity. Declare thus; I BRING REPENTANCE PRAYER OVER ME, MY OFFSPRING, CITY, COMMUNITY, AND HENCE FOTH NATION AND RECEIVE FORGIVENESS AND CLEANSING THROUGH THE POWER OF THE BLOOD OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST BY FAITH. SATAN HAS NO PART OR CLAIM IN ME I DENOUNCE AND REJECT HIM AND HIS KINGDOM IN CHRIST’S NAME. I CONDEMN EVERY NEGATIVE WORD SPOKEN OVER ME TO IMMEDIATE DEATH. IT SHALL NOT GERMINATE. I DECREE BLESSINGS AND PROSPERITY OVER ME, MY SPOUSE, CHILDREN, FAMILY, BUSINESS, CITY, COMMUNITY, NATION AND THE WORK OF MY HANDS. I DECREE DIVERSE AND MULTIPLE PROMOTION, FAVOUR, PROVISION, SOUND RELATIONSHIPS, KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING. I TAKE OVER FULL POSSESSION OF EVERY ONE OF OUR ENEMIES GATES I SHALL INCREASE IN THE LAND BY MILLIONS AND MILLIONS.  MY CHILDREN ARE EXECUTING IN THEIR EXAMS AND ATTENDING THE BEST SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES IN THE LAND. THEY ULTIMATELY GROW UP INTO GOD FEARING, INFLUENTIAL AND POWERFUL MIGHTY RULERS IN THE LAND IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. AMEN! (DANIEL 9:2-19, 2CHRONICLES 7:14, JEREMIAH 29:8, ISAIAH 54:2, DEUTERONOMY 14:29; 28:12, EPHESIANS 1:17, GENESIS 24:60, ISAIAH 54:17).

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