Series: Spiritual
Text: Zechariah
The name Zechariah means Yahweh remembers or to put it in
another way; He is faithful. Zechariah was a younger contemporary of a prophet
Haggai. He was both a prophet and a member of the priestly family like
In 538 B.C. together with Prophet Haggai, he was among the about
fifty thousand Jews who returned to Jerusalem led by Zerubabel after Cyrus the
King of Persia had issued a decree to the Jews to return to Jerusalem and
rebuild the temple.
Coupled with rebuke for lethargy (extreme lack of energy or
vitality, sluggishness), his chief purpose was to encourage and motivate the
people of Judah to complete the rebuilding of the Temple (Zechariah 4:8 - 10)
along with reaching spiritual renewal. In
this book he records eight prophetic visions called apocalyptic (revolutionary)
literature of encouragement to God’s people (Zechariah 1:7-6:8).
The book of Zechariah also teaches the sovereignty and future.
Our text is a record of the fourth vision and it appeals of Israel’s cleansing
and restoration as a priestly nation. “…if
you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant then you shall be my own
possession among all the people for all
you be my own possession among all the people for all the earth is mine; and you shall be
to Me a kingdom of priest which acknowledges or admits the truth of God or King.”
(1 Peter 2:5,9, Rev. 1:6 Isaiah 61:6,
Revelation 20:6; 5:10). The temple in Jerusalem was by divine choice epitome of
earthly worship. Housing an alter which was the most pronounced gate between
the earth and heaven it represented a major system for the fulfillment of God’s
purposes on the earth.
The scriptures in 1 Corinthians says “…do you not know (realize, recognize, understand, perceive, have full
knowledge) that your (singular) body is a temple (sanctuary, shrine) of the
Holy Spirit who is in you….you are not your own”. You are consecrated or
set apart for God. Your body is sacred and the Holy Spirit therefore helps you
to be like a holy life void of sin as you surrender yourself more and to Him. This
aspect of belonging to the Lord makes you immune and therefore answerable to
any external satanic accusation because you long ceased to be responsible over
you, more or less like a slave and his master.
Pursue God, work towards raising divine structures and possess
an heavenly attitude like or father of faith Abraham who “looked forward to a
city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God (Hebrew 11:10).
Be wise and build your life a round God now.
“Then he (the angel of the Lord) showed me Joshua the High
Priest standing before the angel of the Lord and Satan standing at his right
side to accuse him. The Lord said to Satan, “I the Lord reject your
accusations, Satan. Yes the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebukes you. This man
is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire” (Zechariah 3:1-2)
Yes, indeed that is who we are, burning sticks that have been snatched from the
fire before they are completely consumed by fire through God’s mercy. Any suggestion
therefore returning us back to the fire through satanic accusations are
countered and overcome through the breath of God’s mercy and forgiveness towards
those who believe in Him. It is actually Satan the accuser who will ultimately
be destroyed (Revelation 12:10) while every believer is sacred like in Joshua’s
case. Ask God to remove your clothing of sin by grace and dress you up with His
Holiness and righteousness even as you personally abandon the attitude of
accusation on others and embrace forgiveness towards all who offend or who will
ever offend you. Don’t ever forget that God through His grace and unfathomable
love and mercy has chosen to forgive you. Do not be like Satan the accuser who
takes great delight in accusing God’s people before God.
Joshua in Aramaic (a Hebrew language which Jesus Christ spoke)
is Jehsua and in Greek is Jesus. It means the Lord saves. He is symbolic to the
Messiah and stands for God’s people and their sins. A lot goes on in the
spiritual realm in order to effect the salvation of God’s people. It is in this
realm that we must vehemently contend with God for the well being of mankind
and accordance with the will of God. Like Jeshua or Daniel (in Daniel 9:4-19) practice
identification repentance for the sins of God’s people and speak divine destiny
over them in the power of your intercession. Unlike in the law where a sinner
died without compassion (Hebrews 10:28), our hearts must be tender and
compassionate towards each other (Philippians 2:1). As our heavenly father, we
must be merciful (compassionate, sympathetic, full of tender mercies, Luke
6:36) because it is the ground on which we ourselves stand as we present our
bodies (which is) our reasonable service (Romans 12:1). “God chose you to be the Holy people He loves; you must clothe
yourselves with tender mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
Make allowance for each other’s faults and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember
the Lord forage you, so you must forgive others. (Colossians 3:12, 13). Like
the Lord Jesus Christ, put others before yourself, even if it means with your
own life. You will not be the first to do that, Jesus Christ has already done
it for you! God’s children are His inheritance so do not attempt to relegate
them to another realm if you want to avoid a divine rebuke.
God pronounces a rebuke on an accuser since He (God) who had the
moral authority or right to accuse us has instead chosen to have mercy and
forgive us. A rebuke is another word for ‘you fool’. A person driven by an accusing
spirit exhibits a lack of good judgment and understanding plus one who is easily
deceived (by the deceiver). Below are few reasons why God detests an accuser.
- You will always harvest what you saw.
The only perfect man who ever walked on the surface of this
earth is the Lord Jesus Christ, the rest of us even the best of us is still
prone to myriads of errors. This means
that if we accuse and condemn our fellow humans, the same will surely be vested
on us hence the folly of this attitude. “Do not be deceived, God (system of
justice) is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap”
Galatians 6:7). The Greek word for ‘he’ in the above scripture is ‘Anthropos’
which means human being, person or humankind, hence is not limited to a male
adult but to all humans as it is used in its generic or general sense. “Do not
judge others and you will not be judged, do not condemn others and it will come
back against you. Forgive others and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6:37; Mark
11:25, 26)
- An Accusing Spirit Diverts Destiny
Sanctification is the process by which we as Christians are
purified in heart and mind by the Holy Spirit. In it, a justified sinner is
graciously and continuously delivered from the pollution of sin, renewed nature
wise into the image of God into performing good works (see Thessalonians 4:3,7,
5:23). Unlike justification it is not instantaneous. We however must all cooperate
with God, the Holy Spirit for its realization in us and in our neighbours life.
Because we are our brother’s keeper and stewards of God, we must purpose to
work with God towards the sanctification of all believers, not against it as
does the spirit of accusation and condemnation.
To condemn is hand over to destruction, throw into a dirt bin or
pit, to declare not fit for life and so cast into the fire. Sad to say, this is
what many have done to the would be precious and lustrous pure jewels if only
we had been more understanding, forgiving, merciful, tender hearted, kind,
gentle, humble and patient. When you get
to heaven you will not be recognized and rewarded for the souls you condemned
through your irresponsible accusations, slander and negative attitude and sent
to hell instead it will be for those strong souls that you helped find their
way on this pilgrimage way into heaven, so be wise and do the right thing.
“Those who have insight (wise) will shine as bright as the expanse of heaven
(sky), and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like stars forever.
(Daniel 12:3). To accuse is to be mean, legalistic, self righteous and phoney
(or fake) faithwise.
- To Accuse And Condemn Is Proof Of The Lack Of God’s Love
When you don’t love others it is an express indicator that you
are not only hate God but yourself too. This disposition
- The Accusation Strategy
The strategy
behind satanic accusations is to make Christ’s blood of no effect on man. Satan
effects accusation by the exploitation (or taking advantage) of God’s nature of
justice. With lies or the distortion of the truth and manipulation coupled with
threats, he introduces the dimension of unbelief and persuades man out of the
cover of divine grace, away from Christ’s love and mercy into the world of accusation,
condemnation, cruelty, revenge, legalism, and hypocrisy. After that it now
becomes easy for him to control man through the spirit of fear and self imposed
righteousness to do his bidding of accusation and counter accusation. This way
the devil effectively sets up man to destroy his fellow man and the process is then
quickly spreads through the multiplying effect with little or no effort from
Satan, having enlisted man into his service of accusing others.
You satanic spirit of accusation, unforgiveness and condemnation, I denounce
you forthwith. Release me and all God’s people to serve God and His purpose
with a heart of love and discernment in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
The Lord Jesus
Christ did not judge nor condemn personalities. He instead struck directly and
deep into the root cause of the problem – the spirit in the man. “For God did not send His son into the world
to judge (condemn) the world, but that the world should be saved through Him”
(John 3:17) Romans 6:23, states that; “For
the wages (pay, stipend, ratio/portion) of sin is death, but the free gift of
God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” With His own blood (and
not that of goats nor calves which can only cover or blot out but not remove
sin) the Lord Jesus Christ entered the most holy place and once for all
secured our redemption (ransom, paid the
full price for the debt of our sin) thus
freeing us from the bondage of sin forever. All sin whether ‘big’ or ‘small’ cuts
us off from the Holy God as
stated in Romans 3:23; “For all
have sinned and fallen short of God’s glorious standard”
Christ through
His death has freed usrom and of the bondage of the mind, will and spirit. The
Lord Jesus Christ has paid for it with His own blood (Ephesians 1:7) and
released us into the freedom of serving Him with a glad and freed heart. Don’t however
misuse this freedom.
Declare thus: Through Christ’s’ redeeming blood I am free
from all wickedness, the grip of sin, the old life, the curse of the law, the
bondage of the law, death and hell – there is now no condemnation over me, for
I being to Christ, the Power of life giving spirit has freed me from the power
of sin and death because God has declared an end to sin’s control over me by
giving His son as a sacrifice for me. Amen! (Romans 8:1-3)
Having introduced
the above message, on 1st may 2011, 8th May 2011
bulletins, we today tackle the topics on accusation
The opposite of
an accuser is a defender. The scripture in Mathew 18:23-35 speaking of a debt
of slave who through compassion forgiven and released from having to pay ten
thousand talents (about Kshs, 8,000,000/=) which he owed his master. This same
slave however could not reciprocate and also forgive a fellow slave who owed him
only one hundred denary (about Kshs 500/=), throwing him into prison till he pay
up in spite of the victim’s pleas to be given more time to pay. Word soon got
round to the master of the ruthless slave who with anger in turn handed the unforgiving
slave to the torturers until he pays what he owed him. God’s word says; “so shall my heavenly father also do to you
if each of you does not forgive his
brother from the heart” (Mathew 18:35). God through Christ Jesus’ death
has forgiven the debt of sin which we could never ever pay being sinners. We
must also truly forgive those who do wrong to us no matter the magnitude of the
offence in order for us to qualify our salvation. An accusing heart is also an
unforgiving heart upon which God applies the same harsh judgment of eternal
Make a deliberate
and informed choice to forgive others and so become an agent of life, not
death. The spirit of unforgiveness is Satan’s strategy against the blood of
Christ to make it of no effect. He effects this strategy by instigating (inciting)
doubts, fear, threats and manipulation based on lies in order to get someone
away from God’s love and cover of protection effected through Christ’s shed
Satan takes undue advantage of the divine attribute of justice to instill unbelief on
Christ’s finished work, drawing the undiscerning heart into the uncouth (ill
mannered) world of accusation, counter accusation and judgment ultimately thus
making you an agent of death. Be wiser and never allow yourself to fall into
his trap. Learn to believe, do and say
the right things about yourself and others always. Scripture says, “And they overcame him (Satan,
dragon, the accuser) because of the
blood of the lamb and because of the
word of their testimonies (‘marturia’ – report, record, evidence given
which is judicial in nature, witness) and they did not love their life even to death”.
(Revelation 12:11) We must know what God says about us, stand on it by faith, speak
it forth loud and clear as the true account a record of who we are before all
and sundry, foe included.
As written, we
must stand firm (on God’s word or
report) to see the salvation of the of the Lord or to overcome. (2 Chronicles 20:17)
Be able to
distinguish between conviction (which
leads to repentance) and guilt (which leads to judgment, condemnation and
ultimately death). Whereas guilt draws from the law or letter that kills, Holy
Spirit Conviction draws from life-giving grace of God, which is a firm and sincere belief in Christ’s salvation that leads to repentance and acquittal
(2 Corinthians 3:6) Guilt for a child of God is self imposed condemnation that
illegitimately puts the laws (an order which you died to when you received
Christ) against you (Galatians 2:19; 5:18). Maintaining an attitude of guilt as
a child of God is being out of order and
certainly not the right way to go. It is imperative that a spiritual
warrior lead an ordered life. Whereas Ephesians 6:11 says we “put
on the whole armour of God” guilt fools you into lowering your spiritual
armour thus exposing you and making you
an open target to the ruthless kingdom of darkness.
Declare thus: By
the grace of God, I apply the blood of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on me. Its
cleansing power cleanses me from all sins. I receive my forgiveness and take on
my position as a child of God to reign with Christ in high places as join heir.
I am forever free from satanic accusation because my debt of sin is fully
settled in Christ Jesus. Today I condemn that judgment, condemning and unforgiving
spirit, get behind me and release the heart of all God’s children so that they
may serve God with a heart void of condemnation and filled with the love of
God; Amen!
“For God did no
send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world should be
saved through Him” (John 3:17). In this dispensation of grace be an active divine
agent of life both to yourself and others.
To redeem means
to set someone free from captivity or slavery by the paying of the ransom (full
freedom price) – 1 Timothy 2:6
redemption death therefore freed us from:-
All wickedness (Titus 2:14)
The grip of sin (Romans 6:18,22)
(iii) Old life which
was corrupt and deprived in nature (1 Peter 1:18)
Curse of the law (Galatians 3:13)
Bondage of the law (Galatians 4:5)
Death (Job 5:20)
(vii) Hell (Psalms
This freedom is
effected in the real of the mind, will and spirit. We must therefore now
consciously and deliberately commensurate effect it by actively acting our
freedom out by doing the will of our redeemer with glad hearts and never allow
ourselves into the trap of misusing this great and invaluable freedom.
Declare thus:
Through the Lord Jesus Christ’s redeeming blood; I am now free from all
wickedness, the grip of sin, the old life, the curse of the law, the bondage of
the law, death and hell. I am no longer under condemnation for the power of the
life-giving spirit has freed me from the power of sin and death. I am now
completely free and I will do the will of God with a glad heart all my life.
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