The word ‘strong’
comes from the Greek word “Ischuros” which means forcefulness, might,
power, strength, valiance or superior physical strength.
It is used of God (Revelation 18:8), Angels (Revelation 5:2), Church (1Corithians 4:10), Young men (1 John 2) and Men (Mathew 12:29)
The strongman in our
text is Satan’s Commander-in-Chief positioned in a place (Daniel 10:20) to
carry out his mandate, which is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). In
other words, he is the chief demon in charge of other demons and is often more
wicked than Satan himself because he aims at pleasing his master.
The strongman is the
power standing between you and your Promised
Land or divine destiny. In
Abraham’s house the strongman was barrenness and lying. Some strongmen
live in people like in the case of Goliath.
They could also live in a member of a household. “A man’s enemies
will be members of his own household” (Mathew 10:36). There are
strongmen of bitterness (hence unforgiveness), poverty, premature
death amongst others. A strongman is
an adversary with a characteristic of intense hate at any human or anything
Godly and a perpetrator of the same (See Micah 7:3-6)
He blocks and locks
your Prayers.
God is faithful and
will answer all prayers made to Him by His children especially in the Name
of the Lord Jesus Christ. (The full name of the Lord is more effective and
crucial in the Spiritual Warfare Prayer.) Such was the experience of Daniel
when he did a persisted prayer and fasting for twenty-one (21) days
(Daniel 10:2, 12, 13). “Men ought always to pray and not loose
heart” (Luke 18:1). In prayers for countering a strong man, persistence
is the key word. The strongman will also try to block or steal your open door in ministry (1 Corinthians
16:9, Revelation 3:8), Blessings (Reuben and Esau), Authority (Adam), and hold them in satanic strong rooms. “How can anyone enter the
strongman’s house and carry out his property, unless he first bind the
strongman? And then he will plunder his house” (Mathew 12:29). These
satanic strong rooms are in the land, underground, in the air and underwater.
They hold your spiritual breakthroughs to relationships, family, finances,
peace and prosperity. The Lord Jesus understood this well, that is why He was
able to easily pay his poll-tax and that of Peter. “Go to the sea and throw
in the hook and take the first fish…open its mouth, you will find a stater
(dranchman coin). Take that and give to them” (Mathew 17:27). Always
remember that your divine breakthrough
is right where God has positioned you. Dont forget that Peter was a fisherman.
He pulls you down and
makes you Insignificant.
David remained
forgotten and despised in the backside of the wilderness even by his own father
(1 Samuel 16:11), until the day he showed up at the battle zone-the cutting
edge place and floored Goliath. After that, none other than the king asked him,
“Whose son are you:” (1 Samuel 17:58) long story short, he wound up as King
Saul’s armour bearer, Army Commander, the King’s son-in-law (a good paypack, don’t work for nothing) and
later the King of Israel. When the strongman dies, people begin to notice
you and favour flows in.
The Language Satan
understands is the Language of Violence.
“From the days of
John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent
men take it by force.” (Mathew 11:12). Like Jesus when
He drove out the moneychangers and traders in the temple in Mark 11:15-18,
holy anger must rule your life if you are going to get breakthroughs in
your life. Get your stuff violently because Satan will not release it to
you on a silver platter. The key to your breakthrough, job, finances, order, is
through the language of violence.
Satan has stolen from
He has the spoil
(legal language for what is taken from a defeated foe) Exodus 22:7 says
“if a thief is caught, he shall pay back double.” That is why Moses commanded the
Israelites to ask from the Egyptians, Gold, Silver and clothing (Exodus
12:35-36). This was the full pay
pack of the Israelites’ service in Egypt for four hundred and thirty (430)
years plus accrued interest. “Thus they (Israelites) plundered the
Egyptians” (Exodus 12:36). When the strongman dies, do get all
and more of what he has stolen from you because it is part of your inheritance
which has been in his custody illegally. He steals from you your joy,
peace, rest, family, finances, job amongst
others. Get really angry and proclaim loudly “I bind the strongman in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ and take back my silver, gold, property,
family…from his strong room. I release to me every generational blessings,
wealth and health. I call you to me now, find me, I take you in and so I
plunder the enemy this day in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and
When the Strongman
dies, the lesser demons flee.
In any warfare if the
leader or commander is killed, the army is naturally put into disarray.
1 Samuel 17:50 “Thus
David prevailed over the philistine…and killed him…and…Israel and Judah arose
and pursued…the philistines and plundered their camp” (1 Samuel 17:50-53).
The quickest, right and best way to defeat an enemy is by killing its
He has an armour (whole armour) in which
he trusts (Luke 11:22)
(i) “Our
weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling
down of strongholds…casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought
to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). We have far
superior weapons and armour meant against our adversary (Ephesians 6:10 –
It is God who has created all Creation
therefore knows all creations’ strengths and weakness. “I (God) have created
the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that brings forth an
instrument for his work and I have created the spoiler (waster) to destroy”.
He says “No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper, and every tongue
that accuses you in judgment you will condemn.” (Isaiah 54:16, 17).
The Greatest weapon
the strongman has is Death.
He perpetrates
(causes to continue) this through poverty, barrenness (unfruitfulness) and
sickness. The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy
(John 10:10). Praise God! Jesus has the keys to life and death (Revelation
1:18) and he has given us “the keys of the Kingdom of God; whatever you bind
on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be
loosed in heaven (Mathew 16:19). These keys must be applied
or used for our breakthrough. Decree, “I bind the strongman of death over my
life and loved ones, I rebuke the spirit of poverty, barrenness, sickness, bad
luck, and misfortune in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I take back all that
Satan has stolen from me and plunder him.”
He has a Palace and
Modernized Organized command system.
“Every kingdom
(‘Basileta’ – Royalty, rule, reign, realm) divided against itself is
brought to dissolution (ruined)…if Satan is divided against himself, how can
his kingdom stand?…(Luke 11:17,18). We ourselves have a higher Kingdom and
the destiny of all kingdoms is “the Kingdom of this world has become the
Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and eve”r
(Rev. 11:15). With keys in the hands of the church, Satan’s
kingdom is no match if the saints will rise up and take the Kingdom. Remember
it is the active reigning priesthood that divides the inheritance. Declare, “Every
Satanic kingdom against me seated over my blessings, scatter and burn by fire
in the Lord Jesus Christ’s Name. I take back into my possession all that
belongs to me, my divine inheritance, my health, my birth right, my finances
(…complete the list)”
He is Defeatable.
Jesus said to us “I
give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions (Satanic
agents of harm) and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall
by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). Jesus by the Holy Spirit
is with us always and all God’s enemies must submit to us (Luke 10:17). “How
awe-inspiring is your works through the greatness of your power still your
enemies submit themselves to you” (Psalm 66:3). Decree, “Every
negative situation over my life, today power must change hands, the lesser
satanic kingdom is bowing today and submitting to me in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ.”
He is overcome by the
Finger (the Spirit) of God
This is the key to deliverance ministration.
The Bible says, “You…are from God and have overcome them (the evil spirits),
because the one who is in you (Holy
Spirit) is greater than the one who is in the world” (1John
4:4). The Holy Spirit in us is the finger of God. The magicians of Egypt recognized Him and warned
Pharaoh about Him (Exodus 8:19). We cast out demons by Him (Mathew
12:28, Luke 11:20)
TEXT: MATHEW 12:22-30
war strategy or plan of action against God’s purposes are best revealed by the
book of 1 Samuel 17 when Goliath appeared and taunted the children of Israel
before his eventual death in the hands of a teenager named David. From this
chapter we see Satan’s war strategy as follows:
- He appears
there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, of
Gath…” (1 Samuel 7:4 AKJV). Philistine in scripture is a representation of
satanic powers; or kingdom standing in opposition to God’s purposes which at
this particular time was spearheaded by a strongman known as Goliath. Make sure
that when the strongman has been bound; he stays bound. The strongman’s bondage must be maintained, or else he will, occasionally appear, to enforce
his influence, especially when he senses that his position is under threat. You
do this by binding him on a daily basis.
- He intimidates with his inflated size, weapons, and words.
Height was six cubits and a span (over nine feet) --- his bronze coat weighed
125 pounds (57Kgs – the body weight of an average Kenyan). He said, “I defy
(dare) the armies of Israel this day, give me a man that we may fight together”
(1 Samuel 17:4, 5, 10). It is not hard to figure out that Goliath operated in
the spirit of witchcraft which thrives and operates through causing fear,
intimidation, manipulation, deception, and incantation among others. What he
did not know was that a covenant
teenager named David - a giant killer, was by divine appointment on his way to the battle zone, and that
Goliath’s ‘fortieth day’ was first closing in. (1 Samuel 17:16)
Prophetically, God has given you the enemy’s head. “… he (seed of woman),
shall bruise (break, crush, overwhelm) you on the head” (Gen 3:15), so go
for nothing less than his nerve centre. Go for the strongman’s head.
- He exercises Collective Captivity.
the Philistines gathered together their armies to battle…Goliath…. Shouted to
the armies of Israel … choose a man…and let him come down to me…If I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall become our
servants and serve us” (1Samuel 17:1-9) Satan wants to enforce and
establish a blanket captivity over families, communities and nations so
that nobody remains as a single challenge to his kingdom. We must be aware of
this subtle strategy and refuse categorically to be yoked together with
illegitimate yokes. In other words, the fact that some misfortune happened
to another does not therefore expressly mean that it has to happen to you too.
“a thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand, but
it shall not come near you.”
(Psalm 91:7) “Whosoever will gather together against you shall fail
because of your sake.” (Isaiah 54:15b). Our habitation must be a place
where God’s purposes prosper, not satanic innuendo (unpleasant indirect
suggestions). “Upon mount Zion shall be deliverance and …holiness and the
house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” (Obadiah 17). A mountain
is a vantage place where you have a panoramic view from which you can easily locate,
destroy and plunder the enemy – such is the mystery of God’s mountain. It is a
place of righteousness “in righteousness you shall be established.”
Declare, “I’m not a candidate of this collective ancestral captivity, I
refuse it, it is not my portion, it will not happen to me as a child of God. I
declare it and decree by heavenly decrees – begin to die now in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ.”
- It is a god against God.
take spiritual warfare personally. It is in essence a power contest of the
‘GODS’. “And the Philistine cursed David by his gods” (1 Samuel 17:43).
The actual battle is the Lord’s (2 Chronicles 20:15). Face the enemy in the
name (account) of the Lord, and maintain it at that level, because that way
your success is assured, “… in all these things (trouble or distress,
persecution, famine, nakedness, peril or sword) we are more than conquerors
(vanquishers, beyond complete defeaters) through Him that loved us.”
Declare, “I shall serve God not barrenness. Every uncircumcised and anti
covenant captivity scatter and die in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every
house of wickedness, die today and release me and my blessings. For covenant
sake, I shall not be sick, my water and food is blessed – Amen!”
will not reveal to you what you cannot handle and if He does reveal it, it is
proof that you can handle it – the strongman in this case. “I have yet many
things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” (John 16:12). Whatever
is opposing your life and ministry is the strongman of the place. When
David killed the Philistine strongman, he got his breakthrough and his
insignificance ceased for good.
- Covenant in Warfare.
fight on the premise (basis) of the divine covenant. A covenant is a sealed
agreement between two parties that must be kept, with clearly laid down
conditions and benefits. In Luke 1:73, we see covenant forming the basis
of Zachariah’s prayer for mercy and salvation from their enemies and those who
hate them. He prays “remember (your) – holy covenant the oath you
swore to Abraham our father”. We through Christ also share in the
blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3:13, 14). God cannot break His covenant: “my
covenant will I not violate…nor alter the utterance of my lips” (Psalm
89:34). So take your battle to the covenant platform for God does
not answer except by covenant (Exodus 2:22-25). When one places themselves
against a divine covenant decree, by speech, action or otherwise, like Goliath
they position themselves against God thus bringing judgment and ultimately
death upon themselves. “You come to me with a sword, a spear and a javelin,
but I come to you in the name of the LORD of Hosts, the God of
the armies of Israel whom you have defied…” So David triumphed over the Philistine
(1 Samuel 17:45, 50). Never curse what God has blessed, or the curse will
bounce back to you (Genesis 12:3). “You shall not curse the
people for they are blessed” (Numbers 22:12). In the New Testament – the
New Covenant is based on God’s grace through which God makes unworthy sinners
His people when they respond to His invitation in Faith, obedience and
perseverance. (Galatians 3:14, Colossians 1:23). God thus puts His law in
our hearts and we enter into a covenant relationship with Him. The
ground at this point is therefore set for each of us to establish other higher
covenants like in your business, family and so on, with God.
I declare by the decrees of heaven – I cannot loose any battle, because I
fight the wars of Jehovah Elshadai on a covenant platform. Jehovah God
appear and fight your battles in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, my Lord and
- Have a Positive Testimony
David dealt a fatal blow on the strong man Goliath, he had, had a prior
encounter with God out in the pasture fields:- “Your servant has killed both
the lion and the bear”—(1 Samuel 17:36a). Like Moses with the rod of God in
his hands, David carried this experience with him into the battle
against the strongman declaring; “… this uncircumcised (covenant less)
Philistine will be like one of them since he has defied the armies of
the living God” (17:36b). The previous chapter 16:18 gives the
curriculum vitae of David as:- a skilful musician (seasoned Worshiper),
a mighty man of valour,( strong, Bold and brave), a warrior (skilled in warfare
and a master strategist), prudent in speech (he has good judgment and he
also makes his tongue work positively for him). Handsome (whole,
balanced personality, complete, perfect) and the Lord is with him (most
importantly, he has divine favour). Needless to say, these are qualities that
David worked at and developed to an extend that this critical encounter did not
catch him off guard, “be sober, be vigilant” (1 Peter 5:8a). We see
here, in David a man of total resolve, purpose, and passion
for God and godly courses:- “they
overcame him by (because of) the blood of the lamb and by (because of ) the
word of their testimony and they did not love their lives even to death.”
(Revelation 12:11)
“We are more than conquerors. Today power must change hands. I enforce God’s
victory over the kingdom of darkness. Satan and all your agents bow now and
stay under my feet in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ.”
- Discover your weapons of warfare and use them.
are a unique being. Your set of finger prints attest to this and “God has
blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (
Ephesians 1:3). That is to say that “Christ’s divine power has granted to us
every thing pertaining to life and Godliness” (2 Peter
1:1-3). God has put at our disposal (ready for the taking) every spiritual good
including mighty weapons to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down every
imagination or speculations (in the
sphere of the mind) plus every lofty thought that exalts itself against the
knowledge of God, arresting and bringing them to the obedience of Christ and
hence denouncing every act of disobedience (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).
must quickly place the slain enemy where he belongs; under our feet.
“David ran and stood upon (over) the Philistine”. You cannot defeat what
is above you especially psychologically, you have got to come to your divine
place of control or rulership (Genesis 1:26-28) and with all boldness
and courage deal a deathblow to the strongman. “David…slew him and cut
off his head …. And when the philistines saw that their champion was
dead, they fled.” (17:51). The power and spirit of the foe is
embedded in the life of their strongman, so make the battle clean and
quickly go for the strongman’s head – bruise (crush, overwhelm) him on the head
or his command center (Genesis 3:15). Goliath who bewitched Israel with his
tongue was not fit to live. “You shall not allow a sorcerer (witch) to live”
(Exodus 22:18). Whoso digs a pit shall fall therein and he that rolls a
stone, it will comeback to him” (Proverbs 26:27). Elisha also cursed the
youth who said he was baldhead (indicating that he had no covering or anointing
– a serious allegation) and forty-two of them died. (2 Kings 2:23 – 24). The
battle must first be won in the spirit before it manifests in the physical.
no mistake about it. Spiritual warfare demands proper mastery of the art of
warfare, because it has fatalities or casualties. It is not child play. In
spiritual matters, keep your mouth a way from what you do not understand, and
mind your own business. When David used Goliaths weapon to cut off his head, he
in effect brought to light one of the deadliest weapons in warfare – he made a
weapon that was intended against him to ‘backfire’. Goliath as it were
here fulfilled scripture – He quickly reaped what he had sowed (Galatians 6:7).
Discovering your weapons means getting to know what weapons work for
you well, be they scriptural verses, language, bible version, places.
Through continued use, skill is perfected, familiarity is realized and accuracy
or precision attained. We perfect our warfare skills through constant use,
training, study, observation of working models, asking questions and keeping a
breast and being relevant to the spiritual seasons. The leading of the Holy Spirit in
warfare is of paramount importance.
there is a sin, repent it, if there is an armour learn how to fit it on
perfectly, and go on to the offense to recover ground. Think at the
level of you privilege, issue commands at the level of your authority
and act at the level of your favour - not less. The key words for
effectiveness and victory over time lies in, accuracy, relevance, skill, courage, boldness and God’s favour.
“You strongman of …. (Identify) and your forces, I smite you with the same
weapon you intended against me; I command the weapon you sent against me to
‘backfire’. Your every word against me to scatter and die in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ.”
- Be Knowledgeable and come to the place of violent Prayer.
divine priesthood demands that we embrace knowledge and the process of
its execution. This ensures the acceptance of our ministry as God’s priests and
blessings on our offspring (Hosea 4:6). On the basis of this, zeal
(enthusiasm, eagerness) must also be incorporated in our service to God for
whatever God does, he does with zeal “…for the zeal of thy house has
consumed me” (Psalm 69:6). There is a thin line between zeal and fanatism
(Zealotism). Zeal is what caused Phinehus to drive a javelin through an
Israelite and the Moabitess the young man wanted to sin with, (Numbers
25:1-11). The same zeal made Jesus drive sellers and moneychangers with a
scourge out of the temple. (John 2:14-17). To be zealous is also to be jealous
for God and His course. In contemporary language, we call zeal ‘holy
anger’ if you do not catch up with holy anger, you will continue to drag
your feet on God, remain timid and never take God’s work seriously. You need to
be unsettled enough to begin to do some thing radical about, the lost
souls and those under satanic bondage. (Isaiah 59:17)
“Holy anger come upon me now!”
- Identify the Strongman.
strongman’s character is unique to their mission, the fruits of which are
normally exhibited in a prominent way in any given community or locality over
which the strongman presides. For example, weakness of a community, tribe or
nation is a strong indicator of the kind of strongman over them. Strongmen also
operate within their areas of jurisdiction, for example, in Nakuru and
Naivasha, bewitchment accompanied by strange killings and deaths are common
place, whereas in Mombasa and Kisumu, immorality is common place because of the
marine spirits, and so on.
- Put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:13 – 18)
warfare is real and God cares that you are safe and standing at
the end of the battle, that is why He has provided armoury which is almost
entirely for your safety or protection. Before you go into spiritual warfare, you
must put on the whole armour. Proclaim, “I put on the belt of truth
(your testimony as a child of God, Isaiah 42), the breastplate of
righteousness (through faith in Christ Jesus, Romans 3:22). I put on my
feet the gospel of peace (for full preparedness -nothing shall hold me
back from preaching the gospel of Christ), I take the shield of faith
and quench all fiery darts thrown at me by the wicked, I put on the helmet
of salvation and declare divine protection over my mind and thought life
and the sword of the spirit (the prophetic rhema word), praying
always for all the believers.”
forth like a mighty warrior with the
whole armour.
your zeal like a man of war.
(iii) Shout your battle cry – speak faith
words loudly.
(iv) Crush/prevail against all enemies.
- Destroy the strongman’s Legality.
identify, look out from records and unearth all the evil consecrations, evil
covenants, dedications that form the basis of your spiritual foundation
as an individual, family, community and nation. Read widely, be inquisitive, unearth the
origin especially of names and be a keen observer of events and things. Ask
questions, then also seek spiritual revelation and illumination. Next take
responsibility- be remorseful to God and mourn over what has been lost and what
is being lost. Bring repentance prayer which incorporates the full and
active participation of leaders of the concerned entity.
is about recognizing and acknowledging your sins, profoundly
(absolutely or completely) and consciously turning from evil
heart wise with deep remorse. Conversion
is the end result of repentance. Sin gives the enemy legal ground and opens
doorways for him to operate in one’s life. Repent and forsake sin.
God and approach him in the premise of His word, His character, nature and
attributes: Almighty, merciful, gracious, longsuffering, abundant in
goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgressions
(revolt or trespass) and sins. Just (punishes guilt) to the third and forth
generations (Exodus 34:6-9) for a breakthrough prayer. After the repentance
prayer, receive your forgiveness then denounce and disconnect yourself from
every evil covenant or evil consecrations. Close all avenues for a return and
proclaim a righteousness and Godly foundation in place of the former and speak
life over it. Never clear a place of sin and leave it empty (Mathew 12:45)
Tsidekenu (the Lord our righteousness) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I
deeply repent every sin in my life tree, either by omission or commission.
Forgive me as an individual, family, community, and nation. Every sin, iniquity
or evil covenant or principle operating in my life from the days of Adam and
eve I repent of it now before God and denounce it. It shall from now on have no
control over my life, family, community and nation. I now submit to the cause,
will, and purpose of Jehovah Nissi (the Lord our shepherd). From today on, I
publicly acknowledge and declare the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ over my
entire life – AMEN!
Decree (you
shall decree a thing and it shall be established for you (Job 22:28)
- “Every spirit of pharaoh pursuing me, die in the water.”
- “Every spirit of Nebuchadnezzar holding my divine inheritance be destroyed by heavenly decree.”
- “Every spirit of Herod pursuing my star (success, splendour and excellence) die with the sunset by divine judgement.”
- “Every spirit of Goliath pursuing my destiny, die by the sword.”
- “Every seductive spirit of Jezebel against God’s prophetic counsel and fruitfulness in my life and ministry crush under my feet in the power of the anointing in the name of the Lord and saviour Jesus Christ”
- I declare myself and my offspring free from the bondage of every strongman. I will walk in the paths of righteousness and serve the cause of heaven. I am blessed in my habitation, family, and work place. I flourish in the courts of my God. I bring forth fat and flourishing fruit in old age. AMEN!
strongman in operation in your life or area of ministry is the strongman who
you should concentrate on and deal with completely for your breakthrough (1
Samuel 17:51). Remember: - “whatever is born of God overcomes the world”
is He that is in you (the Holy Spirit), than he that is in the world
(antichrist spirit)” – (1 John 4:4)
the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
“You strongman of ….
(Identify whether of witchcraft, religion, immorality etc), I bind you in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I now put you where you belong – under my feet.
I decree death over you and your spirit agents and render you all powerless. I
come to all your strong rooms and release to me all captives – people, divine
endowments, wealth and all blessings. I plunder you and take into my (our)
possession all my (our) divine inheritance for use entirely for the Kingdom of
Jehovah God. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I decree, proclaim and
declare total victory over you and your forces. From today me and my household,
family, community, nation etc. are totally free from your influence and
activity because you and your agents must from now on stay under my feet all
days of my life in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN.”
This is to certify that I, …........................................…………………………………..Having
attended a seminar and/or covered these lessons on Binding the Strongman, this
………………................................… (Date) is from today authorized to
subdue and bind and put under my feet every strongman who stands between me and
my divine destiny. I decree my total continual breakthrough in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your signature
This certificate issued this
…………………………………………………………. (Date)
Signature: “Whatever you shall bind on earth shall
be bound in heaven and whatever you shall lose on earth is loosed in heaven”
(Mathew 18:18)
Thanks to this summons God bless you.
ReplyDeleteloved this. needed this
ReplyDeletethank God for this revelation and may blessed and increase you.
ReplyDeleteVery helpful
ReplyDeleteInsightful, helpful and needed to be put into practice. Thanks a million and God bless you, sir.
ReplyDeleteSpiritually helpful
ReplyDeleteThanks for your deep spiritual insight
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